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[0.25] ATC - Alternative Tree Configurator [15.10. - V0.5.1]


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It gives the "incompatible" messae, but ohterwise it works, so yeah.

Oh...I guess so. I delete version checker locally and for the version of ATC I distribute with BTSM, so I've got no issues there ;)

Guess I get the first "told you so" in on that one SirJodelstein :)

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I've made some progress and manage to get some kind of tech node to appear but it's overlaid by a weird copy that makes selecting it awkward. I also can't seem to get it to draw the lines.

I'd appreciate any assistance!


Source Code for the interested

From what I remember of Treeloader (which was able to add nodes) - was that that overlay was a visual bug due to zoom.

(and that lower node was deleted or gc'd when I was memory peeking back in .24, so its probable that its creating two nodes at once)

Now I read my reply, its probably not that helpful. I'll take a look at your source in the weekend if you havent sorted it by then.

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Hey all. Since 0.25 kinda broke TreeLoader, and r4mon is unfortunately AWOL, it would seem TreeLoader is more than likely slowly dying. Which means, ATC might get a boost in popularity.

Given that, I've decided to fast-forward a simple converter between TreeLoader and ATC files. I actually have the logic all set up (I've converted several files already, just for testing), but I'm missing some basic UI. I'll get to it tomorrow after work, so expect something rudimentary either tomorrow night (GMT) or Saturday during the day.

Keep in mind though, that since ATC can't load trees with more than the stock number of nodes, a lot of tech trees out there will have to have nodes removed to work for ATC.

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I've made some progress and manage to get some kind of tech node to appear but it's overlaid by a weird copy that makes selecting it awkward. I also can't seem to get it to draw the lines.

I'd appreciate any assistance!


Source Code for the interested

I'll take a peek at your code tomorrow. I'm curious to see how you got the new node to actually be registered (it always disappeared after the update finished for me).

I've been kinda engrossed in Dragon Age: Origins for the past couple weeks, but I ran through it, so back to this :D

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Fractal, what's the config you're using to create that new node? I tried copying over your code into my build, but I still get nothing to show up, so I figure it must be an issue with my config.

Edit: Here's the config I'm using... just trying to dump in a single empty node.

@TECH_TREE[stock] {
gameObjectName = random_techyness
icon = START
scienceCost = 0
anyParentUnlocks = False
hideIfNoparts = False
posX = -1000
posY = 1000
title = Random Techyness
description = Some random techy stuff

name = node0_start

Edited by Ixonal
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Well, here we go:

>> TreeLoader to ATC Converter v1.0 <<

(Direct link) (Source)

THIS WILL PROBABLY NOT WORK. Just saying. :) It's not very well tested, but it works for me. And please note the disclaimer below.


This will not work with all trees as ATC cannot load more than 55 nodes and the node names have to be the default stock ones. Given this, some manual editing of the files will very likely be required. I can't do this automatically as that would require assumptions of which nodes to keep or delete that I cannot make.


  • Unzip all files to any folder.
  • Run atc-treeloader-converter.exe


  • Check the "Load parts definitions?" checkbox to include parts TechRequired definitions in the tech tree file. This is important for trees that move parts around (which most trees do).
  • If checked, you need to specify the KSP folder location so that the tool can scan for parts and their TechRequired property.
  • Once a file is selected to convert, it will automatically be saved in the same location as the source file with "atc_" appended to it. E.g. if your TreeLoader file is called tree.cfg the converted file will be called atc_tree.cfg.

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Well, here we go:

>> TreeLoader to ATC Converter v1.0 <<

(Direct link) (Source)

THIS WILL PROBABLY NOT WORK. Just saying. :) It's not very well tested, but it works for me. And please note the disclaimer below.


This will not work with all trees as ATC cannot load more than 55 nodes and the node names have to be the default stock ones. Given this, some manual editing of the files will very likely be required. I can't do this automatically as that would require assumptions of which nodes to keep or delete that I cannot make.


  • Unzip all files to any folder.
  • Run atc-treeloader-converter.exe


  • Check the "Load parts definitions?" checkbox to include parts TechRequired definitions in the tech tree file. This is important for trees that move parts around (which most trees do).
  • If checked, you need to specify the KSP folder location so that the tool can scan for parts and their TechRequired property.
  • Once a file is selected to convert, it will automatically be saved in the same location as the source file with "atc_" appended to it. E.g. if your TreeLoader file is called tree.cfg the converted file will be called atc_tree.cfg.


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Well, here we go:

>> TreeLoader to ATC Converter v1.0 <<

(Direct link) (Source)

THIS WILL PROBABLY NOT WORK. Just saying. :) It's not very well tested, but it works for me. And please note the disclaimer below.


This will not work with all trees as ATC cannot load more than 55 nodes and the node names have to be the default stock ones. Given this, some manual editing of the files will very likely be required. I can't do this automatically as that would require assumptions of which nodes to keep or delete that I cannot make.


  • Unzip all files to any folder.
  • Run atc-treeloader-converter.exe


  • Check the "Load parts definitions?" checkbox to include parts TechRequired definitions in the tech tree file. This is important for trees that move parts around (which most trees do).
  • If checked, you need to specify the KSP folder location so that the tool can scan for parts and their TechRequired property.
  • Once a file is selected to convert, it will automatically be saved in the same location as the source file with "atc_" appended to it. E.g. if your TreeLoader file is called tree.cfg the converted file will be called atc_tree.cfg.

good but to bad that it wont work with interstellar yet..but i think soon

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Fractal, what's the config you're using to create that new node? I tried copying over your code into my build, but I still get nothing to show up, so I figure it must be an issue with my config.

Edit: Here's the config I'm using... just trying to dump in a single empty node.

@TECH_TREE[stock] {
gameObjectName = random_techyness
icon = START
scienceCost = 0
anyParentUnlocks = False
hideIfNoparts = False
posX = -1000
posY = 1000
title = Random Techyness
description = Some random techy stuff

name = node0_start

Sorry about the delay, I haven't had much time to look at this in the last couple of days. The Tech Node is still a bit fiddly and sometime doesn't seem to appear until I switch scene a few times. I am creating the node with:

name = node_837498234
gameObjectName = go_node_837498234
title = Test
description = The technology we wanted to start with.
icon = START
scienceCost = 0
anyParentUnlocks = False
hideIfNoparts = False
posX = -1901.18
posY = 596.566

I am using an entire tree rather than a module manager config but that shouldn't make any difference.

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Sorry about the delay, I haven't had much time to look at this in the last couple of days. The Tech Node is still a bit fiddly and sometime doesn't seem to appear until I switch scene a few times. I am creating the node with:

name = node_837498234
gameObjectName = go_node_837498234
title = Test
description = The technology we wanted to start with.
icon = START
scienceCost = 0
anyParentUnlocks = False
hideIfNoparts = False
posX = -1901.18
posY = 596.566

I am using an entire tree rather than a module manager config but that shouldn't make any difference.

Ok, added name in addition to gameObjectName (shouldn't they be the same, though?), and tried backing out to the space center, then going back into the RnD Center and I see it now. I've noticed I can click on it and it'll toggle a highlight state, but nothing comes up in the node panel. It is also listed as if it has 1 tech associated with it, but there isn't one in my config...

Edited by Ixonal
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Ok, so I'm trying to use ATC to make the tech tree a little more expensive (especially once you hit interplanetary spaceflight). But for some reason, I can only change the costs of the lowest levels of the tech tree. I'm using KSP 0.25, ATC 0.5.1, and MM 2.5.1.

@TECH_NODE[node1_*] {
%scienceCost = 10
@TECH_NODE[node2_generalRocketry] {
%scienceCost = 40
@TECH_NODE[node2_survivability] {
%scienceCost = 36
@TECH_NODE[node2_stability] {
%scienceCost = 30
@TECH_NODE[node3_*] {
%scienceCost = 115
@TECH_NODE[node4_*] {
%scienceCost = 340
@TECH_NODE[node5_*] {
%scienceCost = 720
@TECH_NODE[node6_*] {
%scienceCost = 2100
@TECH_NODE[node7_*] {
%scienceCost = 4400
@TECH_NODE[node8_*] {
%scienceCost = 9000
@TECH_NODE[node9_*] {
%scienceCost = 16000
@TECH_TREE[stock]:FOR[IntegratedTech] {

What happens is all the level 1 and level 2 techs have the intended prices, as does node3_advRocketry, but everything else is unchanged from stock. I thought it might be a typo or formatting error, but I don't see one.

Am I missing something really obvious?

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Yeah! NEW_NODE {}! We NEED this ASAP! :cool: For Ackander's tree, RfTS tree, KSPI tree... Since 55 nodes limit is as not enough as 640 kb RAM.

BTW. Is there any way for MM to detect which tree ATC actually uses? So that part packs can automatically move parts between nodes and adapt to any popular tree?

Edited by Dr. Jet
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Unfortunately I am not a code person, so I can't assist in sussing out the NewNode issues... my contribution will have to be limited to this: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/96881-Add-some-hidden-empty-science-nodes

It's a long shot for a small stopgap measure, but if you're interested in all things tech tree and think it would help, do give it some support! :)

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Would it be possible to have an option that makes a node visible from the start. I've always hated how you had to guess where each tree branch was heading. Especially on higher difficulty settings you have no freedom to see where nodes lead to, as science is far too tight.

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Hello. I wanted to drop in and say I have released the TechManager mod. It has the ability to add new tech nodes and is licensed MIT, so you can use it any way you like. There appears to be a lot of interest in adding this functionality to ATC (and I mention you guys by name in my initial posting), so I hope to hear back. Thanks.


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Hello. I wanted to drop in and say I have released the TechManager mod. It has the ability to add new tech nodes and is licensed MIT, so you can use it any way you like. There appears to be a lot of interest in adding this functionality to ATC (and I mention you guys by name in my initial posting), so I hope to hear back. Thanks.


If'n you don't mind, I'll just be havin' a look-see, then!

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