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Tracking Lag-inducing mod

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Hello! I shall head straight to the point.

I have a good rig, 64bits, can run unmodded kerbal at easilly 120fps. I installed a lot of mods and I had 10fps. I tought it was parts overload, so I uninstalled them and I installed them mods in packages, however the lag returned. I have installed no parts mod or such, and yet my ksp is running at 20fps...

Is there any way to, trough logs, track what individual mod is causing so much lag? i am right now going trough the slow and tedious process of deleting one and trying again... Thank you!

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Cases of extreme slowdown like this are usually the result of a mod throwing a ton of errors. Check to see if the log (alt-f2 or alt-f12) is spewing some kind of error. If it is, you can post it here (KSP.log in your KSP folder and KSP_Data/output_log.txt) and someone might be able to identify which mod is doing it.

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