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RSS RT2 Config?


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Should be easy enough to create a stationary remote command station (I think it's the large probe core and 7 kerbals). You wouldn't be able to transmit science (you'd need a connection to the KSC to do that) but you could still control unkerbaled probes.

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Should be easy enough to create a stationary remote command station (I think it's the large probe core and 7 kerbals). You wouldn't be able to transmit science (you'd need a connection to the KSC to do that) but you could still control unkerbaled probes.

You can't control unkerbed probes, and there wouldn't really be any way to keep 7 kerbals alive permanently with TACLS.

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Thanks mecripp, will try that later.

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You can't control unkerbed probes, and there wouldn't really be any way to keep 7 kerbals alive permanently with TACLS.

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Thanks mecripp, will try that later.

You absolutely CAN control unkerbed probes. I just looked up the specifics and it's actually 6 kerbals and a large probe core (RC-L01 Remote Guidance Unit).

As for keeping them alive indefinitely. It's true that permanence is impossible, but the time can be extended to insane amounts (and, besides, you'll be warned before it becomes a real issue). Include a bunch of life support, and recycling systems. That's all assuming you're not playing on career where funds are an issue (unless you cheat in the funds to get it set up, which, if there was no other option, I, personally, wouldn't have a problem doing).

In any case the above patch sounds like your best bet.

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