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Change symmetry modes only after placing a part.

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If you move a part over a symmetrically attached part, the editor will instantly change the symmetry mode to match the symmetry mode of the part it is being moved over. However, after moving away from the symmetrical part, the symmetry mode does not change back to what it was before moving.

I suggest that the symmetry mode change back to what it was before moving over the symmetrical part.

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That's a good idea. But I'd probably prefer if editor was not changing the symmetry automatically and instead refused to place the part until I choose compatible symmetry. Perhaps allowing me to use subsymmetries, such as x2 or x3 on x6. Or to even allow me to break group already placed in higher order symmetry to several lower order group, such as x8 into two x4.

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I suggest that the whole "auto symmetry" thing be sent to the pits of hell where it belongs. Not being able to e.g. symmetrically place a pair of goo pods on two of four quad-symmetry tanks is intensely annoying.

As with most of the editor problems, it ultimately comes down to "Y U NO DO WHAT I TELL YOU?!". Give the control to the builder, don't try to force us into what a half-witted computer thinks we "should" do.

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A bit off-topic but still related: changing the 180° symmetry into a proper mirroring (SPH: true mirroring, VAB: no mirroring, keep simple rotation) cause making two separate parts for left and right side is also annoying.

Unfortunately, it's not a "shiny super cute" feature, but mostly a redesign and bug fix, so it's not for tomorrow I guess :(.

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While we're having a whinge: what lunatic decided that having different camera controls in VAB vs SPH was a good idea? I'm constantly trying to do SPH-style zooming in the VAB and vice-versa.

I think that's matter of evolution. VAB was first and since it was completely useless for SPH, it got a different one.

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