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Exciting new Collaboration Series!


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Myself and my good friend That1Guy (who makes excellent KSP videos) are doing a collaborative youtube series in which we are building a space station together! Here's the videos;

Here are the first episodes from each of us;

Let us know what you think!



Edited by Paprika
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Mad props to Xacktar, thanks man, I still need to iron out some frame rate issues around landing, but I really like this software... That having been said, I hope everyone both posting and watching this colab series enjoys it. Shout out to Paprika for setting up the forum page, thanks man, glad to be working with you again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

After a brief Hiatus while I moved and generally had to sort my life out T1G has uploaded a fourth piece of the station! (Video in the first post)

I should be able to do some stuff soon too so it should all be back on track now.

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