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I think it needs more struts


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So I started a new career game using FAR and fairings mods. Been doing OK. Decided to do a multi landing mission to Mun with four of my little landers/return craft. Since I'm using FAR I stacked them all up on top of each other, wrapped them in a fairing for launch, stuck a really big (relatively) rocket under them and sent it all to the launch pad. When physics kicked in, this happened.


Surprisingly nothing broke, it just swayed back and forth like that until I could recover the craft.

Time for more struts it seems.

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I think the 1.25m stage is the main problem there.

Try a 3.75m base, and 2.5m as final stage.

Definitely this, you need to loose that skinny little stage, it's like a little twig, of course it can't hold all that payload upright.

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I've had stuff like this happen before. I concur the strength-to-stiffness ratio on the joints needs looking at.

When you do add struts, I suggest making them quite long. Eg link the bottom of the lander stack to the second stage, and maybe the bottom-most lander to the top-most lander. The 1.25m third stage probably isn't any worse than the landers themselves so not sure how much good removing it would do.

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Putting some struts on top of that 2.5-1.25m adapter could help brace that skinny stage, although the rest of it will still be rather floppy. To keep a skinny rocket like that from flopping about, you'll need some fairly aggressive, braced strutting.

Note that there's some misconceptions floating around about the "autostrut" feature of pfairings - it just prevents the fairing itself from flopping, it doesn't actually reinforce the payload at all.

Regarding floppy rockets though -- I thought joint reinforcement in 0.24 was supposed to let Squad set rigidity separately from strength, allowing them to up the rigidity without making the rockets indestructible. All it seems to do is make rockets much stronger but just as floppy as ever. What happened?

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The limpness of docking ports has been a jagged pill for many, many versions. Whatever metal Kerbals use to build their rockets it's both impossibly heavy and impossibly soft.

Lead? Gold, maybe, spray-painted to not be shiny anymore? I'm guessing lead.

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I was kicking myself for sending that rocket out without struts, I do know better. I was surprised when all it did was fall over and not disintegrate on the pad. So I went back to the VAB and made some changes. I threw out the 1.25m stage and replaced it with a 2.5m stage. This gave a better base for the bottom struts. Then simpley strutted one lander to the next.

Here's some pics without the fairing in place so you can see the landers


And now with the fairing


And finally in orbit just before the final burn to circle orbit


The thing wobbled really badly in the atmosphere but managed to make obit in one piece.

Unfortunately the game crashed as I was preparing the Mun orbital insertion burn and corrupted the save file. Oh well, maybe I'll pull out sandbox for awhile and play with massive rockets.

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