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Space 1999 Eagle **Version 1.2 - .16, hatch & Kerbonaut Ready!**


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  • 6 months later...

Just to be clear - the Wayland Eagle - while awesome, is not the same thing as the old Redspar Eagle. It's an awesome mod to be sure. But if what you want to do is update Redspar's Eagle, there are ways to edit the parts to make them work. They still won't use the resource system properly. But they can and do still fly nicely.

Also - the Redspar and Wayland Eagle's are not built to the same scale. Redspar made his back before EVA was in the game, so he didn't know how big Kerbals were going to be standing next to it. As it happens, he wasn't TOO far off. Though the Redspar is a tad on the small side given the scale of the Eagle in the original show (which was itself not perfectly consistant, but hey - that happens in TV Sci-fi.).

Wayland's Eagle is sized more for use in the scale the game is currently in, which means it's significantly larger than the Redspar. It also has features the Redspar didn't. Such as moving landing gear and an actual truss for fitting modular pods (or other cargo) underneath.

It's also MONSTROUSLY POWERFUL compared to the Redspar or indeed, most other ships in its weight class!

Let me illustrate by way of comparison: On Kerbin, a hover in place takes 2/3 of the throttle on the VTOL engines for the Redspar. The Wayland Eagle only requires slightly over 1/3 throttle for this. On the Mun, Redspar's Eagle uses just under 1/3 throttle, where Redspar's is barely idling (1-2 "notches" at the bottom of the throttle).

The Redspar would need booster assistance to leave Eve's gravity well. Wayland's gets out on it's own (mind you I tested this without a cargo pod attached).

Further - Redspar's fuel allotment is 2000. Waylands is almost 10 times that. Mind you, you can go into the cfg and edit the part so that the Redspar carries as much fuel as you want. But neither Redspar's Eagle or Wayland's (yet) use the resource system. So they can't be refueled in flight. (though wayland's Eagle will accept refueling of Mono-propellent for the RCS)

On the down side, the Wayland Eagle is not quite as spot on in regards to the proportions of the Eagle overall, though the fine details are of better quality. The command pod is slightly over-sized. And Devogen hasn't yet finished any of the cargo pods for it yet. There's also some balance issues with the Wayland Eagle. It flies beautifully with no load or a light load. But with medium or heavy loads it wants to nose dive when you apply throttle to the main engines. As one of the test pilots making notes and doing experiments with it, I would say the balance bugs can be worked around in-flight, but it takes some skill.

Pyrate Morgen has his own updated version of the Redspar Eagle on the Starport as well. Look for "BCC Eagle" or "BCC Redspar".

Edited by Logan.Darklighter
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  Muckydevil said:
Cool most excellent ;-) Why Wayland.... something to do with Alien Universe?

It's meant to be sarcastic :), after all this is Kerbal Space program, we fly little green men TO the moon.. how seriously can you take it lol

love anything Sci-fi.. the only reason I made my version of an eagle was because I wanted to make modifications to the design that wouldn't really fall under Redspar's terms of agreement, so

I needed to model my own. They are both good but different ships, I personally like the way Redspar's flys better than mine, after all it was his Eagle I used for months before I made mine,

the only advantage really of mine that comes to mind is the animated lander legs and the truss that it doesn't have a cargo beneath it, so you can fit alot of stuff and it can be used primarily as

a transport for rovers etc as well as a exploration vessel. Everything else, is just the result of Kerbal updates and addons, If Redspar were to re-do his original eagle with everything that's been added since he made his, it would be a killer.

Pyrate Morgans BCC eagle is basically Redspars eagle with modifications, I'd stick to the original. I just love Sci fi, the moonbase alpha is taking longer than expected tho... big job.

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  devogen said:
...the moonbase alpha is taking longer than expected tho... big job.

Well I should think it would! The original was miles across! LOL

But seriously, what you're dealing with is kinda unique in KSP terms. The major "big blocks" of Moonbase Alpha are kinda shaped like big "Pie slice" wedges with connecting tunnels/tubes between them. And the scale... whoof...

You've got to balance the desire to make a big huge base with part count and whether or not it's going to be possible to lift up the pieces via rocket or by Eagle Transport, or whether you're just going to have to hyperedit a lot of it into place.

Obviously, as a challenge, it'd be great to be able to cart it up piece by piece. I've been working on a huge skycrane concept for lifting up the launchpads, and I KNOW it's possible, just attempting to get the details sorted out.

I guess in terms of where to start building on a piece by piece basis, I'd begin with the Main Mission building at the heart of the complex. And next figure out the various connector tubes and outlying buildings such as the ones that are attached to the launch pads. Last - I'd work on the "pie slices". Because I figure once you've got everything ELSE figured out, you'll have some idea of what to with those and how to place them.

And did I mention part count? Cause... DAMN. I don't want to crash my game everytime I approach within 2.5 kilometers of the place! LOL.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  Space Cowboy said:

err thats my command pod, not redspars.. my thread is here:


My fault really, I should have a seperate thread on the eagle, so I will do that later on to stop further confusion and clogging of redspars thread.

Edited by Devo
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  ShachonianX said:
So, what are the recent updates on this mod (if there are any)?

ShachonianX see here:http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/24677-%280-19-1%29-Wayland-Corp-Development-and-released-download-Thread

Could a mod lock this? It's outdated and has been rolled into Devo's Wayland dev/release thread

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  shadowsutekh said:
ShachonianX see here:http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/24677-%280-19-1%29-Wayland-Corp-Development-and-released-download-Thread

Could a mod lock this? It's outdated and has been rolled into Devo's Wayland dev/release thread

Yeah thanks Shadow. Redspar wanted to leave it up so people could still download his original Eagle (which is very cool, and still works in KSP if you edit the configs a little) but all the new development for the Eagle is happening over at the Wayland thread!

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  • 3 years later...
  On 6/13/2016 at 2:11 AM, Tekener said:

Is there any Modder here who could update this mod for KSP 1.1.2?

I would give Jool away to have the Eagle ... 


So despite the last post being three years ago (and the OP being almost exactly 4), the link in the OP still works and I just downloaded a copy.

Looking at the configs, it doesn't use the "new" PART configs setup, it uses the old ways and so a lot of work on the configs would need to be done. Nodes too. Honestly, I'm surprised it's not written in hieroglyphics. I also can't find the license anywhere, so that's an issue.

What I'm trying to say is: this thing is old. Really really old.

Let it go.

p.s. Might be time for a Moderator to lock this one up tight, no?

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  On 6/13/2016 at 4:32 AM, Deimos Rast said:

So despite the last post being three years ago (and the OP being almost exactly 4), the link in the OP still works and I just downloaded a copy.

Looking at the configs, it doesn't use the "new" PART configs setup, it uses the old ways and so a lot of work on the configs would need to be done. Nodes too. Honestly, I'm surprised it's not written in hieroglyphics. I also can't find the license anywhere, so that's an issue.

What I'm trying to say is: this thing is old. Really really old.

Let it go.

p.s. Might be time for a Moderator to lock this one up tight, no?


How can you ask for letting something like the Eagle go? :( That's one of the most beautiful spacecrafts and full of childhood memories :(

There are old mods that are taken over by new modders, I just hoped that could be possible here, too. And since these things are not for earning money the license shouldn't be an issue as long as the original author is honored and a current free license is added.

Well, yes, I know, let me dream on ... thanks for taking your time looking into it.

  On 6/13/2016 at 10:07 AM, C04L said:


" The road to paradise has sealed up. "  Jack Tanner



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  On 6/14/2016 at 1:10 AM, TheRagingIrishman said:

@Tekener @C04L I would be willing to work on this but I have finals right now, then two days free and then I am busy until the end of August. If you still want it then, send me a pm.


Thanks so much, that would be fantastic!

Yes, we (and others) will surly want it, if you're still around and want to do it then. It's been years that this Eagle flew the last time, so a few months more shouldn't matter. :)

I will ping you early September then!

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  On 6/15/2016 at 12:47 AM, Tekener said:

Thanks so much, that would be fantastic!

Yes, we (and others) will surly want it, if you're still around and want to do it then. It's been years that this Eagle flew the last time, so a few months more shouldn't matter. :)

I will ping you early September then!


Sounds good.

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