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Deimos Rast

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  1. If you get the WildBlueIndustries Actuators dependency from another WBI mod, NF Aeronautics will probably work fine.
  2. Shouldn't it be :AFTER[SquadExpansion] since they suits are from Serenity?
  3. @flart How's this? // Adjust SmartParts names to match Community Parts Title style // Author: Deimos Rast @PART[kb-fuel-breaker1]:NEEDS[SmartParts] { @title = SMRT-12 Fuel Flow Breaker, 1.25m } // Fuel Flow Breaker 1.25m @PART[kb-fuel-breaker15]:NEEDS[SmartParts] { @title = SMRT-18 Fuel Flow Breaker, 1.875m } // Fuel Flow Breaker 1.875m @PART[kb-fuel-breaker2]:NEEDS[SmartParts] { @title = SMRT-25 Fuel Flow Breaker, 2.5m } // Fuel Flow Breaker 2.75m @PART[kb-fuel-breaker3]:NEEDS[SmartParts] { @title = SMRT-37 Fuel Flow Breaker, 3.75m } // Fuel Flow Breaker 3.75m @PART[FuelController]:NEEDS[SmartParts] { @title = SMRT-07 Fuel Controller } // KM Fuel Controller @PART[km_valve]:NEEDS[SmartParts] { @title = SMRT-08V Fuel Valve } // V1 Valve @PART[km_valve2]:NEEDS[SmartParts] { @title = SMRT-09V Fuel Valve (90°)} // V2 Valve @PART[km_smart_alt_low]:NEEDS[SmartParts] { @title = SMRT-01 Altimeter Action Group Trigger } // ALT-Pro Altimeter and Action Group Trigger @PART[km_smart_time]:NEEDS[SmartParts] { @title = SMRT-02 Chronometer Action Group Trigger } // AGT-Timer Timed Action Group Trigger @PART[km_smart_speed]:NEEDS[SmartParts] { @title = SMRT-03 Speedometer Action Group Trigger } // Speed-Pro Speedometer and Action Group Trigger @PART[km_prox_sensor]:NEEDS[SmartParts] { @title = SMRT-04 Proximity Action Group Trigger } // PROX-Pro Proximity Sensor @PART[km_smart_radio]:NEEDS[SmartParts] { @title = SMRT-05 Radio Action Group Trigger } // Radio-GAGA - A Radio for Action Groups @PART[km_smart_DPLD]:NEEDS[SmartParts] { @title = SMRT-06 CommNet Action Group Trigger } // Comm-Pro Communication Net Action Group Trigger @PART[km_smart_ResourceFloorDetector]:NEEDS[SmartParts] { @title = SMRT-01C Resource Level Action Group Trigger (craft) } // Resource Level Detector @PART[km_smart_ResourceFloorDetector]:NEEDS[SmartParts] { @description = Fires an event if the total specified resource for the entire craft has crossed a specific threshold. } @PART[km_smart_ECFloorDetector]:NEEDS[SmartParts] { @title = SMRT-02C ElectricCharge Level Action Group Trigger (craft) } // EC Level Detector @PART[km_smart_ECFloorDetector]:NEEDS[SmartParts] { @description = Fires an event if the total ElectricCharge resource for the entire craft has crossed a specific threshold. } @PART[km_smart_fuel]:NEEDS[SmartParts] { @title = SMRT-03P Resource Level Action Group Trigger (part) } // Drainex 1 - Fuel Sensor and Action Group Trigger @PART[km_smart_fuel]:NEEDS[SmartParts] { @description = Fires an event if the total specified resource for the attached part has crossed a specific threshold. } @PART[km_smart_srb]:NEEDS[SmartParts] { @title = SMRT-04P SRB TWR Action Group Trigger (part) } // SRB Monitor @PART[km_smart_srb]:NEEDS[SmartParts] { @description = Fires an event when the attached SRB's thrust drops to less than or equal to its mass. }
  4. @flart Really like the mod. Any chance for Smart Parts support?
  5. @towerdefence661 Seems they were replaced by the 2.5m and 3.75m monoprop engines.
  6. @linuxgurugamer [LOG 23:32:38.355] Saving PreciseNode settings. [EXC 23:32:38.366] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object RegexKSP.IntuitiveNodeGizmoHandler.DeleteHandler () (at <02a072ff6cd84a48b6a46074446e9a4b>:0) RegexKSP.IntuitiveNodeGizmosManager.OnDestroy () (at <02a072ff6cd84a48b6a46074446e9a4b>:0) RegexKSP.PreciseNode.OnDestroy () (at <02a072ff6cd84a48b6a46074446e9a4b>:0) UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) Log Came across it while trying to track down a CTD - I don't think it's that serious though.
  7. @Nertea How well do you expect these new antennae (feeders and reflectors) will work with RemoteTech? I mean will ModuleAntennaFeed and ModuleDeployableReflector work for antennae that don't use ModuleDataTransmitter? RemoteTech replaces that module with its own.
  8. [LOG 00:58:58.187] -INFO- Tac.LifeSupportController[FFCAC534][3662.91]: Vessel situation change [EXC 00:59:09.904] ArgumentException: Getting control 0's position in a group with only 0 controls when doing repaint Aborting UnityEngine.GUILayoutGroup.GetNext () (at <fa6f9762ac624af092525d37c9d516c4>:0) UnityEngine.GUILayoutUtility.DoGetRect (UnityEngine.GUIContent content, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style, UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[] options) (at <fa6f9762ac624af092525d37c9d516c4>:0) UnityEngine.GUILayoutUtility.GetRect (UnityEngine.GUIContent content, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style, UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[] options) (at <fa6f9762ac624af092525d37c9d516c4>:0) UnityEngine.GUILayout.DoToggle (System.Boolean value, UnityEngine.GUIContent content, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style, UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[] options) (at <fa6f9762ac624af092525d37c9d516c4>:0) UnityEngine.GUILayout.Toggle (System.Boolean value, System.String text, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style, UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[] options) (at <fa6f9762ac624af092525d37c9d516c4>:0) Tac.MainWindow.DrawWindowContents (System.Int32 windowID) (at <d6bc66b7e25b4ec8b1b87be6f40cf781>:0) Tac.Window`1[T].PreDrawWindowContents (System.Int32 windowId) (at <d6bc66b7e25b4ec8b1b87be6f40cf781>:0) UnityEngine.GUILayout+LayoutedWindow.DoWindow (System.Int32 windowID) (at <fa6f9762ac624af092525d37c9d516c4>:0) UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.GUI+WindowFunction func, System.Int32 id, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, System.Int32 forceRect, System.Single width, System.Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style) (at <fa6f9762ac624af092525d37c9d516c4>:0) [ERR 00:59:09.904] GUI Error: You are pushing more GUIClips than you are popping. Make sure they are balanced. [LOG 00:59:09.906] -INFO- Tac.FuelBalanceController[FFCAC60C][3674.95]: Rebuilding resource lists. Getting this a lot, on vessel situation change, followed by a CTD. Full log here. Thanks
  9. @Nertea https://github.com/ChrisAdderley/CryoEngines/issues/56 #LOC_CryoTanks_ModuleCryoTank_Action_DisableAction - Disable Cooling
  10. So I'm having an issue where Janitor Closet loses the mouse-over Mod-label in the part list (in the editor). The only possible cause I can come up with is alt-tabbing. Strange bug report I know...
  11. @Nertea Is the PTD-C 'Porthole' Observation Window supposed to have a ModuleCommand? It's in the Utility category. Also, any chance on being able to switch the 'top' mount on it (by the windows) - you can change the color of the bottom mount but the window frame area stays the same color. (same with the airlocks maybe)?
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