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Key binding problem

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Basically all my Function keys have stopped working on this keyboard, i have re assigned all the keys necessary to the number pad but my flight log does not seem to want to work anymore, no matter what i assign it to i can not seem to get it working, quick save and load work fine being assigned to + and - and hide flight UI works fine, which makes the flight log not appearing really odd.

I have lost my debug menu completely as well. (Cant find an option to change the debug menus hot key?)

any suggestions or is it going to be a case of "your keyboard hates you get a new one"

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Your keyboard hates you get a new one. :P

Unfortunately, some of the keybinds are not user configurable so you might be out of luck for having full functionality using your old keyboard. On the bright side, keyboards are absurdly cheap these days, my local dollar store has some basic models for about $3.

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