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Female Kerbals sells copies to Female Humans


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Hi everyone,

I've heard “Female Kerbals†are in their way into the game. But I'd like to borrow your attention to prod WHY it's important female kerbals be in this game.

I've seen first hand women quit Kerbal Space Program simply because they can't choose a feminine character. You might say “whatever†here and walk away, but it is imperative this be fixed for Kerbal EDU.

I had the pleasure last school-year of teaching a group of kids ages 6 - 18 Kerbal EDU with the Boy's and Girl's Club. We had several very successful young girls, who learned a heck of a lot about everything from operating the mouse, too why parachutes don't work in space. Moon landings, orbits and velocity, center of mass. There's so much to be learned here for these kids!

Who cares if they're genderless, I don't really care to know. But we need some Kerbals to appear feminine for feminine players.

Thanks for reading!

-Chris Munoz

PS: One last prod to put it in perspective. Imagine the faction of young boys who would become disinterested if they sat down to play rocket-game and found only female Kerbals.

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I can absolutely support this.

I hear a lot of griping about how there aren't enough women in the sciences. Is it really that hard to understand why? Male children get lincoln logs, k'nex, building toys, science kits, et cetera. Girls usually get... dolls. Dolls that pee. Dolls that drive cars. Dolls you can slather coloring agent on. Where's the dolls you can fire out of a cannon? Where's the dolls you can build a programmable prostetic limb for? Where's the dolls that come with a my-first-acetylene welding kit?

[expletive proactively deleted] princess culture! Let them play with dirt!

If I have daughters, they're getting robotic lego kits and every cool technical and challenging toy they want.

Edited by Whackjob
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Female Kerbals are confirmed and the devs are concerned about "doing it right", so I don't think there's any real need for this thread to convince people that female Kerbals are so needed. It's just a matter of patience, like many, many other things in KSP.

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Texture Replacer has a great feature now where it adds female Kerbals based on the name that the game generates (provided you feed it some female kerbal textures). Plus it adds some further variety to the Kerbals as well. So for the time being there is an option if you want to have girl kerbals. If you're good with some save & cfg editing you can make ones with custom names, then have specific textures for those named kerbals.

Yes, I want this to be stock, yes I'd like the female model to be slightly different. Even if just for the reason that having kerbal variety makes the game appear more fleshed out, and makes them seem less disposable. It makes sense from a polish stand point as well.

BTW I'm a Missoula, MT guy too.

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This topic is posted in the "What not to suggest" thread for a reason. It's already been acknowledged that female kerbals will be added. As has been stated several times on threads of this exact topic, using science and physics as an excuse for bringing up an inflammatory topic isn't justifiable.

As is always the case with these topics, this thread closure isn't aimed at the validity of suggesting female kerbals but at the derogatory and inflammatory posts that have been removed. Please be mindful of others when you post.

NASA has been doing studies for years. While yes, there are differences between how the male and female physique adjusts to space flight, you'd be surprised at the findings. Additionally, kerbals are not humans and deserve their own scientific discovery. Not to mention that individual skills are exactly that, individual, regardless of race, creed, ethnicity, gender, or any other trait you want to pick. Specifically with respect to several deleted posts, please do not try to twist words, quotes, or science into an excuse to belittle any portion of our Kerbal Kommunity.



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