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Hello All! Hokie here.


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Greetings All.

Long time lurker and twitch watcher, first (or 4th technically) time poster.

Figured I'd say hello. I'm WB Hokie 13, and I regularly watch the KSPTV streamers on KSPTV and their personal channels. I'm one of those borderline-insane KSP players who likes to use the x64 build with a crap-ton of mods. Most RAM used so far has been about 12 GB out of my 20 GB. Also, hello to the KSPTV chat regulars! About time I made a forum account. lol

I'm an avid gamer who plays games like KSP, Destiny, Halo, DayZ, and various other Xbox/Steam games. I'm the type who is willing to help out others with problems and/or issues and/or achievements (specifically for Halo games). I've been playing KSP and tinkering with modding Mods for about a year now since around the 0.23 update. I'd be willing to assist on a mod at some point, but am not sure what I can help with. I have basic experience working with computational coding, like those used for engineering applications. Speaking of which, I'm a Mechanical Engineer who's currently looking for a home (job). I'm a big fan of working with hardware and electronics, and have suddenly (for good reason :wink:) started to like the Aerospace side of things.

Guess that's enough of an introduction.

Ut Prosim,

WB Hokie 13

P.S. A hokie is simply a turkey. It's also my alma mater's mascot, the Hokie bird. Gobble Gobble! :D

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Welcome to the forums! :)

A Virginia Tech fan, eh? We're practically neighbors!

Glad to see you're excited enough about the game that you want to contribute something to the community. Since you mentioned that you're interesting in contributing to add-on development, you may want to check out some of the topics in the appropriate subforum. If any ongoing projects catch your eye and are looking for people with skills you possess, I'm sure your input will be quite appreciated.

Hope this helps!

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