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Strange similarities in the Dev Blog


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So I've been randomly scanning through the dev blogs and found an interesting similarity in the opening of each dev blog before an update.

Before 0.23.5:

Felipe (HarvesteR): Testing continues for the ARM patch, the test team has been at it non-stop even while we were at the GDC, and while I was expecting to be greeted by a wall of bugs, what I found instead were a few very well documented issues which we managed to fix very quickly, mainly due to the thoroughness of the documentation about them. Props to the test team for that! Today we’re still ironing out some details, but all in all, things are coming together nicely.
And so on

Before 0.24:

Felipe (HarvesteR): Quite a lot of stuff done this week. Experimentals is moving along at a good pace, many bugs found and squished so far, but even more valuable this time was the excellent feedback the experimental team is giving us.
And so on

Last dev notes:

Experimentals continue at a solid pace, bugs are being squashed left and right, and things are moving along nicely
And so on

Basically it looks like every dev blog before an update harv tends to talk about 'bug squishing' and how handy the experimentals team is.

This weeks dev blog was similar in its opening to that of the last two... What does this mean? is 0.25 just around the corner? is half life 3 confirmed? are the iluminate everywhere? Am I just mad?

Who knows.

Perhaps its nothing but a similarity in Harvs writing style. None the less, I thought it was interesting. :P

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Basically because there's sweet FA for the poor lad to say during experimentals, but the pitchfork crew demand that he scribe a paragraph to satiate their cravings.

In addition to the update about experimentals and how handy the crew is (great PR and well-deserved praise) we also potentially get some information about what bugs were squished and any new features that have been added. In the most recent dev notes (which now actually resemble "dev notes"), for instance, we learned that there are now eight strategies for four departments, up two because of recent developments.

No need for thanks,

The Pitchfork Crew

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Sure, I'm just giving the short and pithy answer as to why his notes are often the same at this point in the release cycle.

Personally, I felt the most useful point in the latest dev notes was a public acknowledgment that the aero model was "not the nicest". I'm sure the timing of that statement and Max's Twitter feeds is not coincidental.

Keep up your misanthropy. Our future playability depends on it.

Edited by TMS
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Personally, I felt the most useful point in the latest dev notes was a public acknowledgment that the aero model was "not the nicest". I'm sure the timing of that statement and Max's Twitter feeds is not coincidental.

Keep up your misanthropy. Our future playability depends on it.

I wonder if all that bitching played any role in this, or if it's only that because of the SP+ merger they had a fresh look at aerodynamics and for the first time beheld just how ugly it is.

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Well, If you were Harvester, would you really have all that much to say that hasn't been said before?

I wonder if all that bitching played any role in this, or if it's only that because of the SP+ merger they had a fresh look at aerodynamics and for the first time beheld just how ugly it is.

Hey, now... play nice.

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Keep up your misanthropy. Our future playability depends on it.

Eh... It's not that I hate everyone I just really like this game and I'd hate to see it not live up to what was originally advertised to us; its "potential". The natives are restless, so to speak, because so many half-written features have fallen by the wayside while new, half-written features are added. It's very chaotic development from my POV and I fear that 0.27 will either be a completely featureless update or be a very long time coming because the devs will have to do a massive refactoring of all the half-written code in order to simply prepare for completion of the half-written features.

In the meantime, we have much better dev notes that give us a greater insight into how the game is progressing.

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These threads often get derailed, so I'd like to remind everyone to keep on-topic for this one.

Yes the dev notes do tend to be similar as they daily life of a programmer doesn't vary that much; get up, have breakfast, slave in front of a PC for 8 hours in between office chair jousting before finally going home :)

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Yes the dev notes do tend to be similar as they daily life of a programmer doesn't vary that much; get up, have breakfast, slave in front of a PC for 8 hours in between office chair jousting before finally going home :)

As a professional developer and hobbyist for many years, I can confidently say that I could easily write a paragraph on the technical details of my day, per day. My backup proof is Tarn Adams who generally provides great information day in and day out. It is not a hard thing to do. Certainly around experimentals time things might slow down a bit but Harv and crew are doing pretty well on the dev notes front nowadays despite that.

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Regex, you go right ahead and do that with your own project, I'm sure the Squad staff would enjoy them and take notes for their future projects.

Until then though this thread is about devnotes, not features, promised, half promised or otherwise :)

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Regex, you go right ahead and do that with your own project, I'm sure the Squad staff would enjoy them and take notes for their future projects.

Until then though this thread is about devnotes, not features, promised, half promised or otherwise :)

Ikr? Why must discussions about KSP's development always end in a heated argument. Guys, we're better than that!

Anyways, this probably is just a saying Felipe says a lot. However, it is always fun to speculate...

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Yes the dev notes do tend to be similar as they daily life of a programmer doesn't vary that much; get up, have breakfast, slave in front of a PC for 8 hours in between office chair jousting before finally going home :)

... I can't even express how much yes I want to express.

What does everyone mean by "Better Devnotes"? I wasn't around when we had "bad" Devnotes.

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Regex, you go right ahead and do that with your own project, I'm sure the Squad staff would enjoy them and take notes for their future projects.

Until then though this thread is about devnotes, not features, promised, half promised or otherwise :)

Which post of mine are you refering to? I though my last one was quite on-topic, being about devnotes.

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