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[11/26/15 Update] Say Hello to the Light-Green Group!


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[quote name='Endersmens']Kinda...bland. Although it might have to do. Any other suggestions?

Should we keep the number at 500 though? The list is getting huge. It could be better to up the lower limit. Although that wouldn't really be all that fair either. Gah. Decisions suck. :P[/QUOTE]

I think a 596+ group would be a very good way to make the group list smaller... :wink:

Why not keep LGG in memory of the soon-to-be-old forums ?
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[quote name='Endersmens']We are. It just won't be the same.[/QUOTE]

Want me to modify the new image in my sig for the old "green light group" members? It wouldn't take much and I don't mind doing it.

-- updated --

I'm working on a set of signature images for the light green group. I'll post those images here, on this post, when I get them all done. Edited by adsii1970
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[quote name='Endersmens']Kinda...bland. Although it might have to do. Any other suggestions?

Should we keep the number at 500 though? The list is getting huge. It could be better to up the lower limit. Although that wouldn't really be all that fair either. Gah. Decisions suck. :P[/QUOTE]

I'd wait to find out what reputation ranks, if any, are part of the new system. Then maybe have a group for the highest rank. [I]Maybe[/I]. But let's face it, even maintaining a list of a few hundred proved impossible--and whatever rep score you make the threshold, the number of names on the list can only increase with time.

I'd just make a "Top 100" list for highest rep earners. Those standings won't change too often. All the OP would have to do is update positions periodically, keep descriptions current, and write new ones for any upstarts that break in. I honestly don't think any OP would be able to manage much more, given the size of the forum and the ever-increasing number of people with high rep.
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[quote name='Endersmens']Top 100. That's brilliant, Kuzzter.

There are no ranks like the bars on the new forum, just a number I believe. Top 100 would work though, and it would make things easier. Anyone protest?[/QUOTE]

I think a top 100 will lead to competition, especially for those around the 100th place, who will seek more rep to be in the top 100. I hope this will not happen, but if it does, conflicts will arise and I don't think this would be a good thing for the community, especially if reputed users fall into that "race" for more rep.
This is a very pessimistic view though, and I hope that it won't happen, but we have to think about it.
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[quote name='Gaarst']This is a very pessimistic view though, and I hope that it won't happen, but we have to think about it.[/QUOTE]
Well, here's an optimistic alternative--hopefully anyone with [I]that [/I]much rep has gotten it by adding fine content and being a good citizen. If 'competition' makes people post awesome things and be super-great to each other, I'm all for it. :) Edited by Kuzzter
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[quote name='Gaarst']I think a top 100 will lead to competition, especially for those around the 100th place, who will seek more rep to be in the top 100. I hope this will not happen, but if it does, conflicts will arise and I don't think this would be a good thing for the community, especially if reputed users fall into that "race" for more rep.
This is a very pessimistic view though, and I hope that it won't happen, but we have to think about it.[/QUOTE]

I don't think it would be that bad. Not any worse than the drive to get to light green group.

There could also be a few honorable mentions for the ten runner-ups or something. Edited by Endersmens
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I don't think that's entirely fair.
While I understand that you, as OP, have a lot to do, I know that there are users who have worked long and hard to get their first [COLOR=#00ff00]Light Green[/COLOR] bar. By only counting the top 100, you exclude guys like Mulbin and Wooks- both long-time users, both of whom did very rep-worthy things.

On a more personal note, you also exclude me. :P

But I think it might be wise to see how the new forum looks before jumping to conclusions. As a wise man once said, "Only fools rush in" [color=#FAFAFA]"but I can't help/ falling in love/ with you."[/color]
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There's not light green bar on the new forum though. So that work will be gone anyways. There has to be a new method of category, which will be number based. I can't control that. :/

You can still keep track of your old bars by screenshotting the page and taking the bars and making an image out of them and putting it in your sig. If you're that dedicated. :P
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[quote name='Endersmens']There's not light green bar on the new forum though. So that work will be gone anyways. There has to be a new method of category, which will be number based. I can't control that. :/

Yes, and that's what I'm saying- we should wait to see how the system works, instead of figuring this out now, when we don't know all the information.
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[quote name='Dman979']Yes, and that's what I'm saying- we should wait to see how the system works, instead of figuring this out now, when we don't know all the information.[/QUOTE]

DuoDex said its literally just a dot and a number next to it. The number is the only thing that changes.
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After about twenty minutes of graphics design work last night, I present to you, the serious Kerbal Space Program Forum user, with my latest graphics creation: Rep bars for your signature! If you like the images, why not give some rep? :cool:

Note: Images have been given a transparent background and are all a standard height. If you use them as is, they should fit perfectly within the space allowed for the signature!

VBulletin Forum Reputation Bars
Us7usdo.png?1 ammCToh.png?1  
zvMTfLv.png?1 mzKUH20.png?1  
RVrvpOB.png?1 pNBkvjv.png?1  
L5NqjgX.png?1 4HFbpA1.png?1  
LqISbvj.png?1 P2TCgaK.png?1  
l3qsOKi.png?1 0Ht6sJF.png?1  

Now, I realize this is The Light Green Group but I figured that I would include all of these images here, for the sake of my sanity and the number of visitors to this particular thread. Maybe eventually I will create a thread specifically for all the images that I've done for KSP. If there is an image you'd like me to create, send me some specifics in a private message. I aim to please.

Edited by adsii1970
Made it compatible with the new forum: 20151202
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[quote name='adsii1970']After about twenty minutes of graphics design work last night, I present to you, the serious Kerbal Space Program Forum user, with my latest graphics creation: Rep bars for your signature! If you like the images, why not give some rep? :cool:

Note: Images have been given a transparent background and are all a standard height. If you use them as is, they should fit perfectly within the space allowed for the signature!

[table="width: 950"]

Now, I realize this is [B][I][COLOR="#00FF00"]The Light Green Group[/COLOR][/I][/B], but I figured that I would include all of these images here, for the sake of my sanity and the number of visitors to this particular thread. Maybe eventually I will create a thread specifically for all the images that I've done for KSP. If there is an image you'd like me to create, send me some specifics in a private message. I aim to please. :wink:[/QUOTE]

I have added this to the front page, it will be used. :)
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