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Roundabout Station


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Tinkered with what possibilities there are with mixing certain mods and went for a large 'Wheel' (or as round as a Kerbal craft is going to get) space station with docking and refueling areas, as well as platforms for launching/docking probes* and enough fuel for interplanetary travel. I was able to orbit kerbin, the mun and the sun at an AP of 30 billion meters with more than a quarter fuel left over.

This is actually only half of what I originally had built, but because performance issues were so bad (1 fps, even with lowest settings) during launch attempts, I took off the second 'wheel' and threw the thing up into orbit. If I were to work on it further, I\'d add more RCS tanks, but if anyone wants to try it out, they can customize it as they see fit.

*probe platforms are left without couplers so people can rig the stages that work for them.

Anyway, I\'m done with it for now as it sits 100k above Kerbin





KW Rocketry


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Nice craft mate.


Thanks, guys, though it needs a little more in balance and support around the \'spokes\'. I noticed it likes to spin on it\'s own and it began to throw off debris. =P

Nice Space Station.


Did this have something to do with your design? It\'s an old design by Lockheed from the 50\'s.

Not that spesifically, but I had seen plenty of wheel-shaped station designs in the past and decided to see if I could round out the parts

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