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docking in hanger

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I'm sorry, but you might have to be more specific.

Are you just trying to attach a docking ring radially or on the nose for once it is in orbit?

If it is what I am thinking, you are having trouble attaching a docking port radially to a plane's fuselage? First, you have to attach this radial attachment point: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/BZ-52_Radial_Attachment_Point

Then attach the docking port to that.

Edited by Friend Bear
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oh you mean the radial attachment bug, so that you have a hard time attaching one docking port to the node of the other!? If so... you may try the radial attachment toggle with Editor Extensions mod or wait for 0.25 (Alt Key radial toggle integration) :kiss:

Or just fiddle around until it fits...

also what i did before was to put the docking port of the ssto somewhere on top of the ssto and build the probe with docking port on top of it... then move the whole thing to the right position.

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If it is just normal issues with figuring out the construction, what I did was use a cargo bay. You can get B9 Aerospace mod; has lots of good parts; or just wait for the update and fly a smaller shuttle.

Then, with the attachment point, you can put a docking port inside, either on the inside-front/back, inside-side, or inside-bottom. When you are where you want to be, open the bay then undock. Just connect the two docking rings with a "stack separator" for strength.

You could also make the mid/front section of the fuselage hollow and apply docking rings within. Do this by making a gap where there is no fuselage. Just use structure and attach it to the outside of the fuselage you want to extend.

Edited by Friend Bear
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