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[PLUGIN, PART, 0.17] Bigtrak KSP Edition v.30 Liltrak


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Thanks for the comments guys :)


Thats a known issue with the wheels having a hard time keeping up with the Bigtrak\'s axles. I was hopeing the custom decoupler would help lessen that with its extra height but its still present. I have found that if you back off the thrust with some rockets it will help. I was playing with the issue on one I made and 120ms in the atmosphere seemed to be the sweet spot. Any faster and the wheels started lagging causing the camera to go wonky.


Thats odd, I wonder what would be causing that. I crashed more then a hundred landers around KSP while testing and never ran into that issue. What puzzles me more is why the saved craft would work and not ones that were built. Time to go smash some more for science!

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  chickenplucker said:

Thanks for the comments guys :)


Thats a known issue with the wheels having a hard time keeping up with the Bigtrak\'s axles. I was hopeing the custom decoupler would help lessen that with its extra height but its still present. I have found that if you back off the thrust with some rockets it will help. I was playing with the issue on one I made and 120ms in the atmosphere seemed to be the sweet spot. Any faster and the wheels started lagging causing the camera to go wonky.

That, unfortunately, kills any prospect of achieving orbit with solid boosters; my usual means. >_<

EDIT: Is there any way of making the cuttlefish shell removable in the VAB once it\'s been added? I can\'t modify my ship half the time without rebuilding it because of this..

EDIT 2: It also seems that, at least for me, adding any sort of rocket on top of the bigtrak for later deployment causes it to be all kinds of unstable(wobbly) at pretty much every stage, in spite of strapping them down.

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  Kreuzung said:

Probodobodyne, Void Bukeneering, Damned Robotics. Beat me if I am wrong.

Correct! I also put a C7 fuel tank on the front as a counterweight to prevent it from flipping over.

Oh and I think a few (3) inverters from the Kosmos space pack.

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The server that was hosting the my old wordpress site the images were being stored on died in a horrible, horrible fire of bad server admin\'ing. The guy that owned it borked something pretty bad and all the sites were having permission issues with the login messages you were seeing. I transferred the domain and all the images over to my other server so everything should be fine now. If it breaks again I have only myself to blame though :P

A big thanks to the Mod team, they were very fast at locking this up and preventing the mess from affecting people on the forums and also very quick at getting it back open after the problem was patched up.

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Yep, the camera is really a problem :(

I launched a standard Cuttlefish -- and after 10 Km altitude camera started moved back. I had to replace Bigtrak Decoupler with a small stock fuel tank + stock decoupler to fix it.

Recommendation: make Bigtrak Decoupler at least 1 meter high to move Bigtrak wheels well away from Lander Fuel Tank. The Unity wheelColliders absolutely cannot touch anything during the flight; and there\'s nothing I can currently do about that.

Ah BTW try setting compensationSpeed in Bigtrak\'s PART.CFG to zero. That \'compensation\' pushes the vessel down, is proportional to speed AND is applied if wheels touch anything.

Probably compensationLowGee should also be zeroed out as it may be applied as the vessel approaches the Mun... though I doubt a cart will be controllable at the Mun without low gee compensation :(

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  Mr_Orion said:
I\'ve always hated the compensation, it makes it feel sticky... anyways, you reach unrealistically high speeds with it. Couldn\'t the actual weight just be increased a bit?
It could; simply edit PART.CFG, zero out both compensations and increase the mass. But you\'ll have a hard time delivering a 5-tonnes trak to the Mun))
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  Tosh said:

But you\'ll have a hard time delivering a 5-tonnes trak to the Mun))

Challenge accepted

Now, time to go pull jeb out of that sleazy bar he frequents and we\'ll get started.

EDIT, downloaded the zip 4 times now. Each time the zip is registered as an invalid archive, I think the uploaded file is broken. I\'ve tried opening it in windows explorer, 7-zip and win-zip. All say the same thing.

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I tested the zip and it seemed to be opening for me without issue, I did upload another copy just in case, you can find the link directly under the first link.


I\'ll try to make a taller decoupler this weekend to help keep the wheels away from the deck. Its too bad the game doesn\'t re-read cfg files every so often, then there could be a toggle button of sorts to put things in a 'transport mode' that could zero-out and restore the cfg values on the fly. Although I guess you could edit the cfg, start the game and fly to a location. Then exit the game, return the cfg values, restart and go bouncing around the Mun :D

Heres the craft I usally launch my lander with, its all parts from Slew\'s Down Under pack:


Its just a center section of 2x2m tanks, that big white 2m engine, and 6 tall 1m tanks around it. I haven\'t had any wheel issues with it yet and its pretty reliable at making sure things stay away from the ground :)

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Still getting same error on both download links in all 3 archiving tools. Might be something to do with the proxy I\'m downloading through, .zip extensions other than dropbox are blocked on school connection, the proxy doesn\'t normally have a problem with other zips though.

Maybe I\'ll have to take a walk for unprotected wifi :D I don\'t have home internet at all.

EDIT: just tried a different proxy, zip works fine now

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This is just too good. I\'ve landed lots of them near my Munbase. I recommend the Kosmos MechJeb and ASAS, because they\'re super tiny and don\'t throw off the balance of the rocket. Can you release the greyer, more munar texture? Or maybe a realistic texture, without the Bigtrak logo?

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Sw33t mod ^^ now i need models for a dreadnaught and space marines ;P

For some reason i can\'t disconnect the landing legs from the baseplate once they are stuck on there, anyone else have the problem?

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Thanks :) I think I know whats going on with that, I\'ll make some collision model tweaks and it should be sorted soon. Right now I think the surface joint on the leg/cone is being placed within the fuel tanks collision which is making it not clickable afterwards.

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How is anyone getting the cuttlefish/lander/bigtrak to the mun? Everytime I try I have a weird camera bug issue where my camera ends up way behind my launch vehicle, and makes it pretty much impossible to fly/land this thing to/on the mun.

Any help?

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