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Missing stock parts

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I just loaded up .25 on my computer, and noticed that several stock parts appear to be missing, including most if not all of the LV-series rocket motors and tanks. I do have a few mods installed, but I'm not sure why that would effect the stock stuff.

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No, it wasn't just the LV-N, I meant the entire LV line of parts, from what I could tell all of the stock 1.25 size LF/O tanks and engines were missing. Unfortunately, I can't go back in to confirm anything, because I've already rolled back to .24.2.

Edited by Capt. Hunt
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There's only one LV-N stock. I think you're confusing mod parts (perhaps mod parts that use stock-part models) with actual stock parts. Since the paths for many parts changed, the mods that rely on them will not work.

Ummm, LV-909, LV-1R. LV-T30, LV-T45.

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ok, after calming down a little, I reinstalled .25 without mods, and the LV parts were all visible, I'd guess it was mod related, I'll check KM Cool rockets to see if it's the cause.

Edit: Moe is right, Coolrockets does appear to be the cause.

Edited by Capt. Hunt
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