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Kuba Kuzman

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Greetings Kerbonauts:

It has been sometime since my last posting on the KSP forums, luckily I have some wonderful news and that is I decided to partner up with my friend (who goes by the name Kharzima) and together we decided to embark on an exciting new project!

Here's a sneak peak


I can not give you guys all the details just yet, so stay tuned for further updates as the come-in!

What I can give you is that this project is in the finial stages of pre-production and we are now ready for the production phase of the project!

Note: This project is intended to be a fully featured film (with at a least 40 minuet run-time)

If you wish to help see this project become even more EPIC, WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT!

Leave a comment down below and help spread the news!

Or head on over to YouTube and Subscribe to Kupa Kuzman

Thank you in advance my fellow Kerbonauts!

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