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[0.90] Sane Strategies 0.42.1 - Dec 18


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Question: The new strategies added by this mod trades "income", does this means that it trade all source of one currency for another? For example, if it says "-3.5% science income" and "+4% income" does that means science that I transmitted back will also be considered as income and will give me appropriate fund?

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Question: The new strategies added by this mod trades "income", does this means that it trade all source of one currency for another? For example, if it says "-3.5% science income" and "+4% income" does that means science that I transmitted back will also be considered as income and will give me appropriate fund?

It *should* apply the bonus to any change in an affected currency.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Diminishing returns over time (and other non-stock alike additions) would require custom functionality which I just don't have the time to implement right now. That is assuming the framework is open enough to allow such improvements among other things.


The "Explore Eve" contract arrives quite early in the career mode (because logic right...) and has a funds reward of approx 650k if all objectives are completed (+~160 science, +~800 rep).

100% commitment Stock "Outsourced R&D" would give ~22k science for those funds (28:1 conversion ratio)

100% commitment "Outsourced R&D" would give ~1k science for those funds (625:1 conversion ratio) on the current release of this mod

100% commitment "Outsourced R&D" would give ~350 science for those funds (1667:1 conversion ratio) on my testing version which is using the decaying returns curve shown above (and requires 1M funds to activate in the first place, up on 200k from current release)

20% commitment "Outsourced R&D" would give ~100 science for those funds (1150:1 conversion ratio) on my testing version (compared with ~30 in the released version thanks to aforementioned screwup with information)

So my question is: Which of these sounds about right? (For reference, most contracts with science rewards are giving 15-30 each at this point)

I think than... It should be 1k as on that level if someone makes it to Eve and not crashing at least his/her crew and antenna + charged battery. And even if she/he had the money for starting the strategy at 100% AND for the rocket itself... So I think it is a deserved stuff.

Not to mention "impossibilities" with remotetech/lifesupport mods... on a 1.25 "starter" rocket pack staged science :D (Did someone calculated an Eve-Kerbin sat-connection on the first 2-3 antennas available at that time? with just minimalistic probes.)

So I'd give them more, but that 22k might ruins carrier mode. One Eve mission early on and you are unlocked everything or near everything in science including modded 1000 point worth stuffs.

Serriously those 15-30 scienced contracts are so boring little stuff... I usualy parking a probe just for a single temperature readings on every planet's lowest possible orbit I was.

I suspect usualy not an Eve landing or even a Sun orbit is in the first 20th-100th rocket launch's goal.

Personal opinion: I really do like higher science returns on contracts like build a base or a station and put it where it needs. For instance a Mün base for 600 science is "reasonable"... it helps start/midgame a bit faster. So yeah maybe 2k is worth a hard trip to Eve on the given condition. Who knows what/how to do to make it "easy" will looking only fast maxed out science for the fun parts :D all the "rookies" like me will not jump tooo much too quickly if they make that contract about 3-5 real life days :D

If it helps: my style is making as much science as I can first (without strategies). After everything researched I just use the ones giving me money in exchange for science (I probably would trade of my reputation as well, but that is buggy in stock can create negative reps) So for a alcumbiere drive or my Ion drives I need tons and tons of Kerblar And I really like to colonize every rock in that tiny solarsystem :D

Last One I promise... please do not including miniawc. give them a link for the KspAwc in the description instead.

Edited by Ricardo79
additional garbage :D
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...numbers and things...

Quoted values are somewhat out of date, current version should be something like 900 science for the same contract at maximum commitment (conversion rate of 0.2-0.14% depending on commitment)


Note to self: 0.90 makes funds scarce, need to play with the numbers to compensate for that

Last One I promise... please do not including miniawc. give them a link for the KspAwc in the description instead.

Er, did I bundle miniAVC it with this? It's been a while... (Assuming I did, I should probably check the version...)

If you don't want the functionality, just decline when it asks. I don't see any reason not to include it.

Edited by Crzyrndm
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