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  1. I am using MJ and sometimes it writes a valid TWR. DeltaV was shown always tricky for me. (but I guess that is my design problem cuz I using retro-engines usually :D) Indeed I am interested in thrust and mass as you said. Mostly tweakscaling engines down to be sidekicks for the main boosters on SSTOs and I am just guessing the mass mostly by watching COM and COE changes. I will give a try to K.engineer but it would be really cool if the rescaled parts had those infos (even if they are shown only on the rescale panel.) Btw thank you for the answer.
  2. Although It is "lifelike" you should use ambient adjustment for the dark side pictures. or post process it to be a little bit brighter. Other than I liked your video. Thank you for sharing.
  3. Hello KSP fans I'd like to contribute to this collection here. (BTW Thank you for the tips and tricks I learned from you all about plugins and usage) In this video I tried to utilize as much of it as a could. I think it inserted the first video from the playlist which isn't so much of a cinematic.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4Gj2vuuxVM&list=PL6VcJKqdOqJENyrndWlH0peGKdNtmpfA6&index=11 This one is for EP 8.
  4. Still awesome. And serriously needs to be (updated) and be on CKAN. plz plz plz
  5. Oh. I wasn't good enough to describe it but my problems were almost the same. I thought it was my addition which made the problem. But now I can remember when I redownloaded the B9-HX I used the coupola cabin for root part. I used the 1 square wide long universal piece beforehand as a root (which was altered by me).
  6. Hi. I am currious if it is exists or can you make it to be a thing: After resize-ing an engine I have no "clue" about it's stats (with MJ installed) so Mass, Thrust, consumption maybe ISP? Sure I can see diferent parameters and experiment with them in flight and such.... but It would be cool too see it on the part right click menu inside the VAB/SPH or something like that. Is there a mod for those informations? Or can it be integrated into this? Or am I doing something wrong?
  7. Hi Blowfish. Thank you for the fast reply. The given resources are from extraplanetary launchpad. (I am almost certain you know that ) "It should work, but you have to add it to the parts as well " - Did that and failed. Every time I switched back to those crafts in space only the root module was in place. Since then I just redownloaded your work and it is working fine now. Without that functionality of course. "I will be releasing a CryoTanks patch with the next version probably " I will definitely look into that when Ckan wanna update the mod. Thank you. For the nuclear engine yesterday I wasn't aware of that huge ass HX engine has a built in plasma mode which has simillar 800-ish ISP. So that "request" is obsolete anyways I did some Sci-FION parts in many different stock sizes some years ago. They were "OP" compared to the stock ones and worked fine with my magnetic generators (simillar to the B9 OP gen). At that time the game had only like 2 tanks for xenon and I really didn't want to remodel every kind of tanks nor copydouble them to have xenon as a resource. Anyway I seized the mod development for the reason no other modmakers included xenon tanks, so maybe the option present is not hurt but encourages others to do better (futuristic/sci-fi-ish) Ion engines. It is just a simple option to have if you adding new resources to this great mod anyways. You know better this mod than me so if you do it that will work for sure But this is just an "idea" I have. Thank god you are here to maintain this awesome mod. Keep up the good work.
  8. Still Awesome this mod is. I am using mostly the HX parts. Only one "problem" with this (and almost all the mods) there are no XenonGas tanks at all or heavily neglected. I think they should be in the structure type chooser list on EACH part (which has the option to change). As well as Ore, MetalOre, Metal, RocketParts, Only LiquidFuel, and Monoprop as well as battery too. Can you plz make it in the later updates? I tried to add them resources into the B9_Aerospace_HX-Tank_Types.cfg and failed. MY creations are disappearing as soon as I get back to the space center. Also a HX class/size Nuclear engine would be a great addition (Maybe HX ION engine too?)
  9. Good luck with your channel. I made one some months ago and had put up videos there. Have the same concerns as all of you (including OP). With Scot Manley, and all the other youtubers, and with that many content... What the heck should I do? I decided a modded career and some building videos too. Here is the link: GaryIce Gaming YouTube Channel KSP Playlist I think from others I would like to see a bunch of kabooms That is always fun.
  10. for a 64bit KSP it is x64 for a 32bit Ksp it is the x86. (regardless of the OS itself) There is another option something like basic and agressive. Basic is "lighter" agressive will give you more "compression" therefore more free memory.
  11. Agreed. I didn't tried another solar systems mods jet. But for an inKerbol travels it is a bit fast. So I usually thrust it only a bit (2-3 quick press of the shift button not more. It is maybe 1/10 of the full speed). In this way those green monkeys can be landed in any moon of Jool within max 10 minute from liftoff that should be enought fast. Therefore if another solar system would present just go there with full speed won't cost too much time even if they are far-far away.
  12. Nice work. I subscribed. So just finish this baby and release it here sooon please. Those shapes near the thrusters at the bottom are wheels? If so this is Even Better.
  13. Guideline for that: Jump there to as close to the given planet as possible. No matter how many dV needed if you have a bit of patiente. position your ship nearside and the other side of the planet with extra low warp "trust". So just a bit ahead and a bit side according to your speed vector and the planet itself. if you can position yourself in a way that you will cross the atmosphere just warp towards retrograde till your engine shuts down near enought the planet. Beware not to go too deep into the atmosphere. Wait till you almost reach soi change on the other side of the planet if not enought speed lost occured. Then with a little round about the planet just warp back to the position near the planet where you were before and do it 2-4 more times if necessary. While you wait for the SOI change you can recharge your exoticmatter. Just don't forget to turn off EM creation before engaging your wdrive While you are traveling further from the planet it's gravitational forces "deccelerates you". While traveling forward to the planet it "accelerates" you. (standard force driven travel I mean.) So before PE you will "accelerate" after PE you will decelerate relative to the given planet even if no atmosphere is present. But that could add a lot to it. While you use the wdrive your relative speed is not changing. Beware when position yourself: Not to get close to the planet while your trajectory is crossing it. So position normal or antinormal while your trajectory is just near the planet (and count for atmosphere too) In this way you only use a rechargeable drive so any kind of dV is achievable. After you lost enought speed you may need to use your rockets to achive the orbit of your desire.
  14. Hi Ferram First: Thank you for the new version. Sec: AVC didn't noticed it yet. (Maybe missconfiguration?)
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