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Ksp slower than a snail...

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So I download 0.25 , and boot up 32 bit (cuz 64 is unstable). Well, the game runs at about 5 fps. With a 5 part rocket to crash into the VAB. Before, I could get a normal, high performance launch (with a 250 part rocket) Now, its not pretty.

BTW, when 0.24 came out, I used 32 still at first. It was just as fast as the 64 bit. Now, my computer has become a potato.

Edited by GiantTank
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I used a settings file that lowered planet detail to the lowest playable values back in 0.24 and before. Right now the KSC scene itself has noticeable lag. Is there a way to remove the new fancy textures settings for the old large tiles?

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As KSP has evolved, it's using more and more memory. It may be that it has finally surpassed the amount of physical ram on your computer. What that means is that your operating system might be using virtual memory, swap things out of memory an onto the hard drive. This is a slow process and can cause problems.

There are a couple things you can do to reduce KSP's memory footprint. The first thing to try would be reducing your texture quality in the settings option of the main menu. There are also mods that can help reduce the memory requirements... Of course this all assumes that memory is your problem... :)

Or it could be your physics time steps have changed in 0.25 if you let it generate it's own settings.cfg. You might want to check that too.

Like skeevy says, we need a bit more details about your setup. You can check this link and it'll tell you how to get the logs for your game: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92230-Stock-Support-Bug-Reporting-Guide



Edited by Claw
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Processor, GPU, GPU driver version, amount of ram, and OS please.

Logs are nice too.

Processor: Intel ® Core 2 CPU

GPU: ATI Mobility Fire GL V5250

GPU Driver version: Dont know how to find that

RAM: 3 gigs of ram, and I usually run KSP with browsers closed

OS: Windows 7 enterprise

how do I get a log on dropbox?

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