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[1.04] KPseudonym - Customize Kerbal name generation!


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Allows you to customize Kerbal name generation, just like you always dreamed of!

Add or remove random name prefixes, suffixes, and surnames or completely change the parameters of name generation.

Comes with a config file that simulates default name generation and can also be used as a template for your own name config.

Names are generated only once, so preexisting Kerbals will not be renamed.

KPseudonym will not rename Bill, Bob, Jeb, or Valentina.


Config file changes for 1.04

The latest version supports male and female name generation, config files for earlier versions won't work without being updated.

The following values were removed:

properNames, randomPrefixes, randomRoots, randomSuffixes

The following values were added:

fProper, fPrefixes, fRoots, and fSuffixes for females, and mProper, mPrefixes, mRoots, and mSuffixes for males.

Make sure your config files contain both male and female names or it might not behave as expected.

Glorious download zone!

Download from curse!

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Edited by ClockPunkPanic
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Very nice, kind of useless, so definitely essential ;)

Just a comment, I noticed it generated duplicated names from time to time.

I don't know if it is possible, but it'd be great if your mod could check for already generated names to avoid duplication.

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can you set groups of first names to a group of surnames?


lastNames1 = *Donator*

properNames1 = Adam Al Alan

fileWeight = 200

lastNames2 = *Follower*

properNames2 = Bar Bart Bil Billy-Bob Bob

fileWeight = 100

and so on...

if what I got is wrong could you give an example of using a follower list from my twitch and using them as kerbals, would there be a limit to the number of "properNames"?

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You can tie last names and first names together by having multiple config files.



fileWeight = 200

properNameChance = 100

lastNames = *Donator*

properNames = Adam Al Alan




fileWeight = 100

properNameChance = 100

lastNames = *Follower*

properNames = Bar Bart Bil Billy-Bob Bob


Just put those in Donators.cfg and Followers.cfg respectively and you'll have a 66% chance of getting a donator Kerbal and a 33% chance of getting a follower Kerbal (assuming you set Default.cfg's weight to 0).

Values from different KPseudonym nodes will never be used together. So this setup would never generate "Adam *Follower*" as a name.

And as long as you put all the names on one line, there is no hard limit on the length of any name category.

On the topic of repetitive names, I can look into it, I noticed last name repetition once or twice. Unfortunately, even with a decent selection of names, random generation will produce duplicates and runs from time to time.

If this is a significant problem I can probably alter the generator to favor names that aren't already in the game.

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Is there a list of characters that aren't allowed? (Like _ - * etc)

Is there any way to have spaces in the names? I have a large (~400) name file and lots of the names have spaces. I'm guessing no, and I'll need to truncate, but it would be nice if I didn't have to.

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  ClockPunkPanic said:
You can tie last names and first names together by having multiple config files.



fileWeight = 200

properNameChance = 100

lastNames = *Donator*

properNames = Adam Al Alan




fileWeight = 100

properNameChance = 100

lastNames = *Follower*

properNames = Bar Bart Bil Billy-Bob Bob


Just put those in Donators.cfg and Followers.cfg respectively and you'll have a 66% chance of getting a donator Kerbal and a 33% chance of getting a follower Kerbal (assuming you set Default.cfg's weight to 0).

Values from different KPseudonym nodes will never be used together. So this setup would never generate "Adam *Follower*" as a name.

And as long as you put all the names on one line, there is no hard limit on the length of any name category.

On the topic of repetitive names, I can look into it, I noticed last name repetition once or twice. Unfortunately, even with a decent selection of names, random generation will produce duplicates and runs from time to time.

If this is a significant problem I can probably alter the generator to favor names that aren't already in the game.

Ok so it doesnt all have to go into the "default.cfg" thats good to know, I'll set that up later today hopefully (320+ names to put in). If you could give the random generator the option of how many repeats it can do per file that would be fantastic, something like:

clones = 0 (would not allow duplicates)

clones = 1 (would allow the name to come up only twice)

clones = 2 (would allow the name to come up 3 times)

and so on...

so if i wanted to give someone extra lives if the kerbal dies i would just the remove the name from the first "clones = 0" file(s) and then input that name into the "clones = x" file of how many lives they should have.

on the file weight 1000 = 100% correct? i.e (with "cones" setting assumption) if i were to make a files of "fileWeight = 100" then another at "fileWeight = 1000" would that effectively mean that once all the names in the 1000 are done it will then go onto the next highest likely hood while still randomly generating. would that assumption be correct?

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  lordyod said:
Is there a list of characters that aren't allowed? (Like _ - * etc)

Is there any way to have spaces in the names? I have a large (~400) name file and lots of the names have spaces. I'm guessing no, and I'll need to truncate, but it would be nice if I didn't have to.

Names with spaces have been implemented, but you will need to download the newest version.

To use spaces in a name just put double quotes around the entry is follows:

lastNames = Kerman "the Amazing" AnotherName

This will produce 3 last names: Kerman, the Amazing, and AnotherName.

The only character that should cause trouble the double quote.

  MaLuS said:
Ok so it doesnt all have to go into the "default.cfg" thats good to know, I'll set that up later today hopefully (320+ names to put in). If you could give the random generator the option of how many repeats it can do per file that would be fantastic, something like:

clones = 0 (would not allow duplicates)

clones = 1 (would allow the name to come up only twice)

clones = 2 (would allow the name to come up 3 times)

and so on...

so if i wanted to give someone extra lives if the kerbal dies i would just the remove the name from the first "clones = 0" file(s) and then input that name into the "clones = x" file of how many lives they should have.

on the file weight 1000 = 100% correct? i.e (with "cones" setting assumption) if i were to make a files of "fileWeight = 100" then another at "fileWeight = 1000" would that effectively mean that once all the names in the 1000 are done it will then go onto the next highest likely hood while still randomly generating. would that assumption be correct?

File weight is a relative value, it is the likelihood of a given config being used to generate a name. If you have three files with weights 100, 100, and 300, they will have a 20%, 20%, and 60% chance respectively.

The weight does not change the order that names are generated, and a file cannot be used up.

As it stands, clone counts seem a bit out of the scope of this add-on, if you went through all the names in a file, there would be no way to generate a new name, which could prove problematic, especially for a smaller config file.

Edited by ClockPunkPanic
awkward grammatical misstep
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  • 3 weeks later...

im having issue with the astronaut complex, when im going in to choose kerbals that parts works fine and the files seem to be working ok but when i try leaving the astronaut complex my game refuses to respond and still acts like its in the complex playing the music from there, leaving me with the only option of closing the game by killing the process and it does not generate an error log

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I've made config files to create astronauts with human names, corresponding to earth's major space programmes.

It includes the US, Europe, Japan, India, China and Russia, as well as a multinational version which should give you an equal chance of getting an astronaut from anywhere.

If you're happy with me sharing this so long as you get appropriate credit, that would be great. Feel free to put it in your OP if you want as well.

Download link is here: https://drive.google.com/a/tcd.ie/file/d/0B-qchMFaWt3HTEpLcFJCcF9QR00/view?usp=sharing

Screenshot of a multinational candidate pool at the astronaut centre:


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  • 1 month later...

This one appears to work in .9 at the moment, can't be 100% sure though.

Also, here's a file that generates some Arabic-style Islamic names (Suitable for Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia, etc). There's some big differences between western-style names and how names work in those regions and I don't speak Arabic of any dialect, so any improper generations of names are inadvertent and I apologize profusely.

//this is the relative chance of this config being selected for a name
//a file with weight 200 will be selected twice as often as a file with weight 100
fileWeight = 100

//The percent chance of a proper name being picked!
properNameChance = 50

//The percent chance of a root being placed in a random name!
randomRootChance = 100

//Lists of names and name parts, entries must be on a single line, and must be space or comma separated
//Please do not leave randomPrefixes or randomSuffixes empty unless properNameChance is 100

lastNames = Abad Abbas Abbasi Abdalla Abdallah Abdella Abdelnour Abdelrahman Abdi Abdo Abdoo Abdou Abdul Abdulla Abdullah Abed Abid Abood Aboud Abraham Abu Adel Afzal Agha Ahmad Ahmadi Ahmed Ahsan Akbar Akbari Akel Akhtar Akhter Akram Alam Ali Allam Allee Alli Ally Aly Aman Amara Amber Ameen Amen Amer Amin Amini Amir Amiri Ammar Ansari Anwar Arafat Arif Arshad Asad Ashraf Aslam Asmar Assad Assaf Atallah Attar Awan Aydin Ayoob Ayoub Ayub Azad Azam Azer Azimi Aziz Azizi Azzam Azzi Bacchus Baccus Bacho Baddour Badie Badour Bagheri Bahri Baig Baksh Baluch Bangura Barakat Bari Basa Basha Bashara Basher Bashir Baten Begum Ben Beshara Bey Beydoun Bilal Bina Burki Can Chahine Dada Dajani Dallal Daoud Dar Darwish Dawood Demian Dia Diab Dib Din Doud Ebrahim Ebrahimi Edris Eid Elamin Elbaz El-Sayed Emami Fadel Fahmy Fahs Farag Farah Faraj Fares Farha Farhat Farid Faris Farman Farooq Farooqui Farra Farrah Farran Fawaz Fayad Firman Gaber Gad Galla Ghaffari Ghanem Ghani Ghattas Ghazal Ghazi Greiss Guler Habeeb Habib Habibi Hadi Hafeez Hai Haidar Haider Hakeem Hakim Halaby Halim Hallal Hamad Hamady Hamdan Hamed Hameed Hamid Hamidi Hammad Hammoud Hana Hanif Hannan Haq Haque Hares Hariri Harron Harroun Hasan Hasen Hashem Hashemi Hashim Hashmi Hassan Hassen Hatem Hoda Hoque Hosein Hossain Hosseini Huda Huq Husain Hussain Hussein Ibrahim Idris Imam Iman Iqbal Irani Ishak Ishmael Islam Ismael Ismail Jabara Jabbar Jabbour Jaber Jabour Jafari Jaffer Jafri Jalali Jalil Jama Jamail Jamal Jamil Jan Javed Javid Kaba Kaber Kabir Kader Kaiser Kaleel Kalil Kamal Kamali Kamara Kamel Kanan Karam Karim Karimi Kassem Kazemi Kazi Kazmi Khalaf Khalid Khalifa Khalil Khalili Khan Khatib Khawaja Koroma Laham Latif Lodi Lone Madani Mady Mahdavi Mahdi Mahfouz Mahmood Mahmoud Mahmud Majeed Majid Malak Malek Malik Mannan Mansoor Mansour Mansouri Mansur Maroun Masih Masood Masri Massoud Matar Matin Mattar Meer Meskin Miah Mian Mina Minhas Mir Mirza Mitri Moghaddam Mohamad Mohamed Mohammad Mohammadi Mohammed Mohiuddin Molla Momin Mona Morad Moradi Mostafa Mourad Mousa Moussa Moustafa Mowad Muhammad Muhammed Munir Murad Musa Mussa Mustafa Naderi Nagi Naim Naqvi Nasir Nasr Nasrallah Nasser Nassif Nawaz Nazar Nazir Neman Niazi Noor Noorani Noori Nour Nouri Obeid Odeh Omar Omer Othman Ozer Parsa Pasha Pashia Pirani Popal Pour Qadir Qasim Qazi Quadri Raad Rabbani Rad Radi Radwan Rafiq Rahaim Rahaman Rahim Rahimi Rahman Rahmani Rais Ramadan Ramin Rashed Rasheed Rashid Rassi Rasul Rauf Rayes Rehman Rehmann Reza Riaz Rizk Saab Saad Saade Saadeh Saah Saba Saber Sabet Sabir Sadek Sader Sadiq Sadri Saeed Safar Safi Sahli Saidi Sala Salaam Saladin Salah Salahuddin Salam Salama Salame Salameh Saleem Saleh Salehi Salek Salem Salih Salik Salim Salloum Salman Samaan Samad Samara Sami Samra Sani Sarah Sarwar Sattar Satter Sawaya Sayed Selim Semaan Sesay Shaban Shabazz Shad Shaer Shafi Shah Shahan Shaheed Shaheen Shahid Shahidi Shahin Shaikh Shaker Shakir Shakoor Sham Shams Sharaf Shareef Sharif Shariff Sharifi Shehadeh Shehata Sheikh Siddiqi Siddique Siddiqui Sinai Soliman Soltani Srour Sulaiman Suleiman Sultan Sultana Syed Sylla Tabatabai Tabet Taha Taheri Tahir Tamer Tariq Tawil Toure Turay Uddin Ullah Usman Vaziri Vohra Wahab Wahba Waheed Wakim Wali Yacoub Yamin Yasin Yassin Younan Younes Younis Yousef Yousif Youssef Yousuf Yusuf Zadeh Zafar Zaher Zahra Zaidi Zakaria Zaki Zaman Zamani Zia

properNames = Ahmed Mohamed Omar Mahmoud Amr Ali Mido Mostafa Youssef Abdelrhman Adel Sherif Mustafa Kareem Mohab Khaled Hanibal Romuald Ahmedy Osman Hany Magdi Moemen Simo Hamid Moamen Ioay Maged Zakaria Adham Samir Nader Gohar Abdallah Srikanth Sheref Haisam Sami David Abdullah Assem Enam Mazen Reda Saad Abdul Mohammad Hussain Amir Yaqoub Binyamin Abu-Bakr Nasr 'Ala

//This is not a perfect method for creating theophoric names, but hopefully it doesn't create impropriety.
randomPrefixes = Abd- Amat-
randomRoots = al-
randomSuffixes = Allah Rahman Rahim Malik Quddus Salam Mu'min Muhaymin Aziz Jabbar Mutakabbir Khaliq Bari Musawwir Gaffar Qahhar Wahhab Razzaq Fattah Alim Qabid Basit Khafid Rafi Mu'izz Mudhill Sami Basir Hakam Adl Latif Khabir Halim Azim Gafur Shakur Aliyy Kabir Hafiz Mughith Hasib Jalil Karim Raqib Mujib Wasi Hakim Wadud Majid Ba'ith Shahid Haqq Wakil Qawiyy Matin Waliyy Hamid Muhsi Mubdi' Mu'id Muhyi Mumit Hayy Qayyum Wajid Majid Wahid Samad Qadir Muqtadir Muqaddim Mu'akhkhir Awwal Akhir Zahir Batin Wali Muta'ali Barr Tawwab Muntaqim Afuww Ra'uf Malik-ul-mulk "Dhul-Jalal-Wal-Ikram" Muqsit Jame' Ghaniyy Mughni Mani Darr Nafi Nur Hadi Badi Baqi Warith Rashid Sabur Yasu Masseh

//Yes I have 101 names instead of 99, I added Yasu and Masseh since Abd-al-Yasu and Abd-al-Masseh are Arabic Christian names.

//name will be regenerated if it contains any of the following
rejectionCriteria = Kerman Kerbal eee rrr dildo

Edited by irbisgreif
fixed a doubling of al- in certain theophorics
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  • 4 weeks later...
  GregroxMun said:
Two things:

1: Does the config remove items from the generator if they are removed from the config.

2: What are "Roots?"

1 - Yes

2 - Prefix + Root + Suffix = Name

So you could have - like in my Arabic one - a number of names like Abd-al-Allah (aka Abdullah), where "Abd-" is the 'prefix', "al-" is the 'root', and "Allah" is the 'suffix'.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I can't get this work with the new values. The outdated values seem to work fine (except for the occasional female Billy-Bobkin), but when I tries to write a config with the new values it breaks the astronaut complex. I've re-installed the mod several times, but it doesn't seem to recognize the new values listed in the OP.

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Here a config I've created to assign kerbals with last names of real worls cosmo-astro-taiko-(and other)nauts from this list :)

//Dear KPseudonym user, this file simulates default kerbal name generation, and can be used as a glorious template!
//Feel free to add multiple KPseudonym config files, when a name is generated it randomly selects a file to get values from.
//A single name gets values from only one config file

// fileWeight is the relative chance of this config being selected for name generation
// a file with weight 200 will be selected twice as often as a file with weight 100
fileWeight = 100

//The percent chance of a proper name being picked!
properNameChance = 5

//The percent chance of a root being placed in a random name!
randomRootChance = 0

//Lists of names and name parts, entries must be on a single line, and must be space or comma separated
//Double quotes can be placed around an entry to preserve spaces
//Please do not leave randomPrefixes or randomSuffixes empty unless properNameChance is 100

// Female Names
fProper = Alice Barbara Bonnie Brooke Carol Dottie Dotty Eileen Ellen Heidi Jane Jean Jeaneane Jeanette Joan Judith Karen Leah Leia Lisa Lola Margaret Maya Megan Mila Nancy Nicole Nina Olivia Peggy Phoebe Piper Sally Samantha Sara Sarah Serena Shannon Stephanie Summer Svetlana Tamara Tati Tatyana Valentina
fPrefixes = Aga Al An Ar As Bar Bea Ber Car Cat Cer Clau Cris Da Dan Daph De Deb Di Eil Eli Eri Fran Gem Ger Gi Gil Gle Gra Gwen Hai Hay Hel Hil Ir Isa Ja Jan Jen Jes Jo Jul Ka Kar Kat Kath Ker Kim La Lager Le Lea Lee Lin Lis Liz Lu Ma Mad Mag Mar Mau Max Meg Mel Mi Mia Mil Mir Mo Na Nata Ne Pa Pho Ra Ro Ros Sam San Si Sie Sig Sta Stel Su Tam Tan Te Ti Tra Tri Ur Val Ver Vir Wen Wil Zel
fRoots =
fSuffixes = a alla an anda anna anne ayne be bel bella belle berta beth bie by ca cee cella chel chell chelle cia cie cine cy da di dia die dine dolin dra drien e edith ee ela ella elle elyn emma ena ene enna erta et ette gee gela gie grid gy i iana ica icca ice ie iel iella igh in ina ine inne is isa ise issa jorie ke la lee lenna lian liana lie lin lina line linne lla llian lotte ly lyn ma mie mma my na nda ne nica nie nna nne ny otte phe phia phie ra re ree rie righ rina rine ris rix rude ry rys sa san sei selle sha sie sy t ta te tha this thy ti tina tine trice trid tris trix trude tte ty uki ula una vie vy xie xy y ya yin yn yne ys zie zy

// Male Names
mProper = Adam Al Alan Archibald Buzz Carson Chad Charlie Chris Chuck Dennis Dean Ed Edan Edlu Frank Franklin Gus Hans Jack James Jim Kirk Kurt Lars Luke Mac Matt Phil Randall Scott Sean Steve Tom Will
mPrefixes = Ad Al Ald An Bar Bart Bil Billy-Bob Bob Bur Cal Cam Chad Cor Dan Der Des Dil Do Don Dood Dud Dun Ed El En Er Fer Fred Gene Geof Ger Gil Greg Gus Had Hal Han Har Hen Her Hud Jed Jen Jer Joe John Jon Jor Kel Ken Ker Kir Lan Lem Len Lo Lod Lu Lud Mac Mal Mat Mel Mer Mil Mit Mun Ned Neil Nel New Ob Or Pat Phil Ray Rib Rich Ro Rod Ron Sam Sean See Shel Shep Sher Sid Sig Son Thom Thomp Tom Wehr Wil
mRoots =
mSuffixes = ald bal bald bart bas berry bert bin ble bles bo bree brett bro bur burry bus by cal can cas cott dan das den din do don dorf dos dous dred drin dun ely emone emy eny fal fel fen field ford fred frey frid frod fry furt gan gard gas gee gel ger gun hat ing ke kin lan las ler ley lie lin lin lo lock long lorf ly mal man min ming mon more mund my nand nard ner ney nie ny oly ory rey rick rie righ rim rod ry sby sel sen sey ski son sted ster sy ton top trey van vey vin vis well wig win wise zer zon zor

//Lastnames from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_astronauts_by_name
lastNames = Acaba Acton Adans Adamson Afanas Akers Aksyon Aldrin Aleksandro Allen Altman Anders Anderson Antonelli Apt Achambault Armstrong Arnold Artsebarsky Artyukh Ashby Atko Aubakir Avdeye Bagian Baker Balandi Barratt Barry Bartoe Bassett Baturi Baudry Bean Behnken Bella Belyaye Beregovo Berezo Binnie Blaha Bloomfield Bluford Bobko Boe Bolden Bondar Bondarenko Borisenko Borman Bowen Bowersox Brady Brand Brandenstein Bresnik Bridges Brown Brown Buchli Buckey Budari Bull Burbank Bursch Bykovsky Cabana Cagle Caldeiro Camarda Cameron Carey Carpenter Carr Carter Casper Cassidy Cenker Cernan Chaffee Chamitoff Chang-Diaz Chapman Chawla Cheli Chen Chiao Chilton Chretien Clark Cleave Clervoy Clifford Coats Cockrell Coleman Coleman Collins Conrad Cooper Covey Creamer Creighton Crippen Cristoforetti Crouch Culbertson Cunningham Curbeam Currie Davis DeLucas DeWinne Dezhuro Dobrovolski Doi Drew Duffy Duke Dunbar Duque Durrance Dutton Dyomi Dyson Dzhanibek Edwards Eisele England Engle Evans Ewald Eyharts Fabian Faris Farkas Favier Fei Feoktist Ferguson Fettman Feustel Filipchenko Fincke Finley Fisher Flade Foale Ford Foreman Forrester Fossum Freeman Frick Frimout Fuglesang Fullerton Furrer Furukawa Gaffney Gagari Garan Gardner Garneau Garriott Gemar Gernhardt Gerst Gibson Gidzenko Givens Glazko Glenn Godwin Good Gorbatko Gordon Gorie Grabe Graveline Grechko Gregory Griggs Grissom Grunsfeld Gubar Guidoni Gürragchaa Gutierrez Hadfield Haignere Haise Halsell Ham Hammond Hansen Harbaugh Harris Hart Hartsfield Hauck Hawley Helms Henize Hennen Henricks Hermaszewski Hernandez Herrington Hieb Higginbotham Hilmers Hire Hobaugh Hoffman Holmquest Hopkins Horowitz Hoshide Hughes Hurley Husband Irwin Ivanchenko Ivanishi Ivano Ivins Jähn Jemison Jernigan Jett Jing Johnson Jones Kadeniuk Kaleri Kavandi Kelly Kerwin Khruno Kimbrough Kizim Klimuk Kolod Komarok Kondako Kondrat Kononenko Kopra Korniyenko Korzun Koto Kovalyonok Kozey Kregel Krikalek Kubaso Kuipers Laveyki Lawrence Lazar Lazutki Lebed Lee Leestma Lenoir Leono Leslie Levchenko Lichtenberg Lind Lindsey Linenger Linnehan Linteris Liu Liwei Llewellyn Lockhart Lonchak Lopez Loria Lounge Lousma Love Lovell Low Lu Lucid Lyakh MacLean Magnus Makar Malenchenko Malerba Malysh Manako Manaro Malhotra Marshburn Massimino Mastracchio Mattingly McArthur McBride McCandless McCool McCulley McDivitt McMonagle McNair Meade Melnick Melville Melroy Melvin Merbold Messerschmid Metcalf Michel Misurkin Mitchell Mogensen Mohmand Mohri Morgan Morin Moruko Mukai Mullane Musabay Musgrave Nagel Nelson Nelyubov Neri Nespoli Newman Nicollier Haisheng Nikola Noguchi Noriega Novitski Nowak Nyberg O'Connor Ochoa Ockels Oefelein O'Leary Olivas Onishi Onizuka Onufrienko Oswald Overmyer Padalka Pailes Parazynski Parise Parker Parmitano Patrick Patsay Pawelczyk Payette Payton Peake Perrin Pesquet Peterson Pettit Tuan Phillips Pogue Poindexter Polansky Poleshchuk Polyako Pontes Popo Popovich Precourt Prunariu Ramon Readdy Reightler Reilly Reisman Reiter Remek Resnik Revin Richards Ride Robertson Robinson Rogers Romanenko Rominger Roosa Ross Rozhdestvenski Rukavishnik Runco Ryazanski Ryumin Sacco Saint Samokutyay Sarafan Satcher Saud Savinykh Savitsk Schirra Schlegel Schmitt Schweickart Scobee Scott Scully-Power Searfoss Seddon See Sega Sellers Serebro Sero Sevastyan Shargin Sharipo Sharma Shatalo Shaw Shepard Shepherd Shkapler Shonin Shriver Muszaphar Skripochka Skvortsok Slayton Smith Smith Solovye Soroki Spring Springer Stafford Stefanyshyn Stewart Still Stott Stoyan Strekalo Sturcko Sullivan Suray Swanson Swigert Tamayo Tani Tanner Tarelki Taylor Tereshko Thagard Thiele Thirsk Thomas Thomas Thorne Thornton Thornton Thuot Tito Tognini Tokar Treshchov Trinh Truly Tryggvason Tsibli Tyuri Usach VanDenBerg VanHoften Vasyut Veach Viehböck Viktorenko Vinograd Virts Vittori Volk Volko Volyno Voss Wakata Walheim Walker Walz Wang Weber Weitz Wetherbee Wheelock White Whitson Wilcutt Williams Wilmore Wilson Wisoff Wolf Woodward Worden Yamazaki Yang Yegoro Yelisey Yi Yurchikhi Zalyoti Zamka Zhai Zhang Zholob Zudo

//lastNames = Kerman

//First name will be regenerated if it contains any of the following
rejectionCriteria = Kerman Kerbal eee rrr lll dildo

Many of russian last names was distorted to be unisex bacause KPseudonym not differentiate male and female last name variations...

Edited by ZobrAA
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