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Feaux Mun landing, don't let the snow fool you, it's actually moon dust (wink wink).


Next challenge...

The Kresident is coming for a visit, we need to make a great impression since we need to butter him up for additional funding. Setup an impressive stage that he can make a speech from, be sure to include some great fanfair to excite public attention and rally their support.

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Welcome Mr.Kresident

Your throne, sir.


Next challenge: Fling a kerbal from a trebuchet type contraption :)

Clarification: Anything goes, as long as it resembles the function a trebuchet type contraption. This thread moves quickly so I don't want to bog it down with any rules for this one.



Edited by zhollett
moar clarification
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Are rockets allowed?

I believe so seeing as how they were not mentioned in the challenge. I would say that if they meant that you weren't supposed to use rockets, it's their own fault for not saying so:sticktongue:.

And also, ooooooooo. Good idea. I usually try to do these challenges then put the pictures on hold until I know that nobody else is going to try, and mine just used falling fuel tanks.

I might try again with rockets, just for fun you understand.:wink:

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Absolutely allowed, and I feel fitting considering the "goal" was to butter up the public for additional funding. I think the very heart of most of these challenges is simply the fun of putting them together while fitting in the objectives, and of course being the first to get it up so you can post the next quest. I was more worried about a half-baked attempt just to get the post up first and was quite satisfied with the result.

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Hey Jean Deaux,

I think (I could be completely incorrect in my assumption here, so please correct me The_Boss) what The_Boss was questioning was whether rockets were allowed in my challenge. I don't want to put words in your mouth, but your response appears to be thinking The_Boss was questioning the result of the challenge given by you for the stage for the Kresident.

I took it as The_Boss asking if rockets would be allowed in my "Fling a kerbal from a trebuchet type contraption"

I'm glad you appreciated my stage as it was your challenge... although in hindsight, I think my stage represents more a rockstar stage (although that's not a bad thing), and it took a bunch of time to get everyone seated as my game crashed on me 4 times during moving everyone into place.

I'm only posting this as I don't want others to get confused but hey, I could be wrong.

The_Boss, if you could; Was your question "Are rockets allowed?" questioning my stage for the Kresident or my challenge for the trebuchet?

Thanks again to everyone participating in this thread, its been very fun, and I find myself checking back here specifically more often than I have in quite a while :)

Peace everyone (Seriously, Jean Deaux, no disrespect intended)

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Here come the Visigoths!!! Man the trebuchets!!!!!!

For your next trick: Captain Ahab Kerman wants revenge upon the Great White Ass Kraken that cost him his leg! So find ye the Kraken and spear him up his blowhole!!!

Okay, so the Capn's got bad eyes - so for safety's sake, find a dead Kraken and plant a flag in it somewhere. Return trip not necessary.

EDIT: Okay, this is a bit late since as of this edit somebody's already beaten the challenge - but since I was asked a question via PM, I'll answer it. The Kraken I'm referring to in this case is a specific easter egg on Bop.

Edited by capi3101
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Wow! That was INCREDIBLY nice of you to pick a mission I'm right in the middle of, after I post this pic I'm going to get some Lottery numbers.

As requested, one dead Kraken.


Next up...

The light bulb on the Control Tower has burned out. Send someone from maintenance up there to change the bulb.

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I hope i went to the correct tower :P

My maintenance vehicle needed maintenance after my "landing", jeb decided to just jump from the control tower instead...

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Next challenge: VIP Pool party..Get your orange suits (Jeb,Bill,Bob) in the pool of the Admin building,the party is VIP so get them there by landing in the helipad of said building..

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I submit for your consideration... The 4 Cubed Super Rocko Multi Talented Launch Land and Lunge Sub Orbital Testing Platform

The engineers were rather pleased with the outcome, although in hindsight, firing it up would probably have cost less in repairs.

For the next challenge, I would like to see a pretty picture, but not just any pretty picture.

Your challenge is to use the smoke trails off rocket/jet engines to make a pretty geometric shape that is pleasing to the eye.

(An example would be when you accidentally stage a few seconds too early, and your SRB's take off ahead of your craft and you change the angle of the camera an look up and they each tear off in multiple directions creating a beautiful short lived 6 curlycue flower... that eventually explodes. We've all had those moments, I want you to share yours)

This is an overlay of a few shots, but you get the idea

Inspiration ->KGaviua.png

Edited by zhollett
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Finally challenge completed.http://imgur.com/a/fAeMf

New Challenge:

The Grinch has stolen Christmas. Land a 4 man drop pod near the north pole. Launch an tactical nuke before for extra skill points to soften up the defenses. Jeb is the leader of this mission so make sure he is the first one out of his seat( or off his ladder)! Goodluck and return the presents(no return to KSC necessary)!!!!

- - - Updated - - -

My inspiration pictures coming out soon!!

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