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(KOS) Mission Script Pack


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Hello there.

What if we collect simple code snippets here? Would it be a spoiler for a new KOS users? I really like this mod.

Here is my simple stuff.


lock throttle to 1.
wait until alt:radar > 100.
lock throttle to 0.
unlock throttle.

launch - not really mine, stolen from somewhere

print "Launch!".
lock steering to up.
lock throttle to 1.

when stage:solidfuel = 0 then stage.

print "Wait for 10k".
wait until altitude >10000.

print "Gravity turn".
lock steering to heading 90 by 45.
wait until apoapsis > 75000.

print "Stop engines".
lock throttle to 0.

print "Waiting till apoapsis".
wait until eta:apoapsis < 3.

print "Circularization burn".
lock steering to prograde.
lock throttle to 1.
wait until periapsis > 75000.

lock throttle to 0.
unlock all.
print "done".


if (periapsis < 70000) {

print "waiting for apoapsis to higher periapsis".
lock steering to prograde.
until (eta:apoapsis < 10){
print eta:apoapsis.
wait 2.
print "burning to get over 70 km".
print "engage!".
lock throttle to 1.
until (periapsis > 70000){
print periapsis.
wait 0.1.
unlock throttle.

if apoapsis > 90000{
print "waiting to periapsis to lower apoapsis".
lock steering to retrograde.
until (eta:periapsis < 5){
print eta:periapsis.
wait 2.
print "lowering apoapsis to 90 km".
print "engage!".
lock throttle to 1.
until (apoapsis < 90000){
print apoapsis.
wait 0.1.


print "waiting for apoapsis".
lock steering to retrograde.
until (eta:apoapsis < 5){
print eta:apoapsis.
wait 2.
print "lowering apoapsis to 40 km".
lock throttle to 1.
until (periapsis < 40000){
print periapsis.
wait 0.1.


lock g to constant():g * body:mass / (body:radius + altitude) ^ 2.
lock weight to mass * g.
lock maxtwr to maxthrust/ weight.
lock twr to maxtwr * throttle.
lock maxacc to maxthrust / mass.
lock safeacc to 0.6 * maxacc - g .
lock t to -verticalspeed / safeacc.
lock brakedistance to (verticalspeed)^2 / (2 * safeacc).

print "all ready, waiting for descent".
wait until verticalspeed < 0.

print "descent started".
when alt:radar < 100 then legs on.
lock steering to srfretrograde.

until alt:radar < 2{

if alt:radar < brakedistance {
lock throttle to 1.
} else
if alt:radar < 100
lock throttle to 1/maxtwr.
lock throttle to 0.
print "v "+round(verticalspeed)+"| r " + round(alt:radar) + "| b "+round(brakedistance) + "| th "+throttle.

wait 0.1.
wait 0.1.

unlock steering.
unlock throttle.
sas on.

print "done".

I'll update this post based on your ideas and suggestions. Please, tell me what you think about it.

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks Jandor for posting these scripts. They are very useful for getting me started.

I look forward to possible seeing more code snippets.

I'd also be interested in any links toy useful resources you've found.

So far I've found:

Reusable Launch System Scripts

Reddit Universal Script

Orbital Mechanics Related:

Orbital Mechanics Basics

Edited by Swifty
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