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No, but after that


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Squad is primarily a marketing company. How they got into software development and the origins of KSP are well documented (although I can't find a link off-hand)*

On the other hand they've put together a software development team and all the infastructure and built what looks like a pretty successful game in KSP.


@ Squad: how was it for you? Will you be working on any other games?

@ Everyone: What would you like Squad to do next?

- It seems to me that one of the distinguishing features of KSP is that you can build your own vehicles, rather than only using pre-built ones as in Orbiter.

- Lots of people seem to like messing about without space, using KSP to build planes; even replicas of 'Earth' prop-'planes. How about a build-your-own flight simulator?

- Similarly, there's always room for another 'car' racing game.

- Otherwise ... what?

[* For those that don't know the origins of KSP, the short version is:

"I'm resigning because I want to write a space-simulator game"

"Don't go, we value you and new ideas. Tell us about it and you can do it right here"]

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@Pecan: You may want to edit your Post title. The context wasn't clear.

Really? I think it's a little premature to ask for a sequel when we haven't yet got KSP 1.0.

That being said, I too am curious to see where SQUAD goes once KSP is finally complete. There was a polygon article where SQUAD mentioned creating a feature film or something. http://www.polygon.com/features/2014/1/27/5338438/kerbal-space-program

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...Really? I think it's a little premature to ask for a sequel when we haven't yet got KSP 1.0...

At best I'd like to know how Squad as a marketing company feel about their adventure into software development.

I am specifically not asking for a sequel, but you have to bet the development team will be wondering where they'll be working when 1.0 is released, so they may have plans for another game.

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Obviously Squad's plans for post-1.0 are still up in the air, even for them, but I know what I want to see. What they have with KSP (even as of now) is probably the best ever little space and flight almost-simulator. The engineering, the flying, the space flight, space exploration, and other activities already far surpass everything that Orbiter has ever been, other than in the 'realism' department.

KSP's next step after 1.0 in my opinion should be an official realism expansion/DLC. Their best bet might be to work with the big contributors to the realism overhaul mod, as they have already laid out a good blueprint for it already, but even if that isn't possible they should still consider the idea. The real solar system, humans, n-body physics, replica parts of real rockets, real chemistry, and, the most important: brutal real life difficulty with disregard to casual 'fun'. I believe that KSP (and the Unity engine itself) is capable of completely surpassing Orbiter in every way, and I believe a true space simulator has a good size market but no products to fill the market demand. The DLC would sell to a large portion of the install base, and at a decent price point it could be like Squad hitting gold a second time.

If Squad for some reason is unable or unwilling to go the realism DLC route, then my next wish (after KSP is 'complete' in the traditional sense of the word) would be for a sort-of Kerbal Kart Racing type add-on/game. A quirky F-zero type racing game with real physics where players build their own vehicles and race on tracks across all of the Kerbol system. I think that would be fun.

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We don't know (but can possibly guess) how financially successful KSP has been for a marketing company in Mexico. The question about the future for Squad would be this: What do our valuable employees have a passion for and would it work for us to go ahead and allow them to achieve their dreams? If it seems like it could be feasible, and we can't afford to lose them to that dream then we should go for it.

In regards to software, I would love for Squad to imagine a KSP2, but only if KSP has worked out well for them as a company. In this revisioning, developing their own engine would be a must to allow for N-body physics, but especially relativistic physics. Unity has been and is awesome, even with its limitations, but the licensing oppurtunities for a space simuator engine would be pretty cool.

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OK wild idea time:

KSP 2: Jeb and the Beanstalk

Still a space game in the Kerbin system, but with a heavy focus on non-rocket spacelaunch and megastructures. Launch loops, skyhooks, space elevators, and the like. A game that combines the established KSP gameplay with construction elements inspired by bridge-building games. And perhaps some transport strategy elements could be added too, allowing the player to set up regular(ish) cargo and passenger flights that will be flown automatically, a la games like Railroad Tycoon. Manual flying, and for that matter traditional rockets, would still be available to the player and would have the main roles of exploration and flight testing.

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At best I'd like to know how Squad as a marketing company feel about their adventure into software development.

I am specifically not asking for a sequel, but you have to bet the development team will be wondering where they'll be working when 1.0 is released, so they may have plans for another game.

Hi, Pecan. First off, consider the gaming side of Squad and the marketing side of Squad two siblings in the same family. Both sides, while in the same company, act autonomously. Ok, now that that's squared off, I can't really give a good insight into us making another game at this time. I don't think it's a stretch to consider us diversifying our portfolio at some point, but that's so far down the line that it's not even a blip on the radar. Our goals rest on making KSP the best it can first.

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Honestly I doubt Squad will make another game after KSP.

I think they realize how badly they dropped the ball on the early access and did so too late to turn around. Considering how Max and Harv constantly being up how beleaguered everyone on the team is from this project, doing it again seems ridiculous.

I'm guessing most if not all of the devs will leave squad after this is done to go work for *actual* software companies.

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...Ok, now that that's squared off, I can't really give a good insight into us making another game at this time...Our goals rest on making KSP the best it can first.

Thank you for that Rowsdower. Rest assured you have a customer for more or less anything you do next :-)

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What's the fascination with trying to not-so-subtly push the Squad guys to do other things? Or to say that they did so badly, when they've produced such an amazingly successful game that's fun to play? (If it's not fun for you, why are you here, exactly?)

I really don't understand the motivation behind all of these posts that delve so deeply into wild speculation so far from reality?

One: KSP is not done. No where near it. They're moving into the 2nd phase of producing the game, not the last.

Two: They are not producing a game under a traditional production method.

This is not your father's game company. They are not grounded in traditional methods, either. Do they make mistakes? Probably. However, the fact that they're not sitting there trying to recreate yet another FPS, or something that's been done 1 billion times before, but changing one minor thing, just so they can say it's a new game. Seriously, just enjoy the game! Enjoy that they listen to their fanbase, without being completely biased by it. Enjoy that the few very vocal complainers are not the ones who are driving the bus!

Let Squad do their thing. They'll tell us where they're going, and how they are going to get there.


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Clearly, KSP is just a large project by the marketing side of Squad. NASA/Some other space agency hired Squad to get people into science/math/engineering/SPAAAAACEE, and thus they created KSP.

They'll only make another game if they get another thing which a game would be a good way of marketing.

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Clearly, KSP is just a large project by the marketing side of Squad. NASA/Some other space agency hired Squad to get people into science/math/engineering/SPAAAAACEE, and thus they created KSP.

Sorry, but that's not right. KSP was created and doing quite well long before NASA had any involvement.

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I'd imagine post-1.0 they'll do some expansion packs for KSP. Hopefully KSP has been profitable enough to justify KSP2 based on a better engine, I'd love to see what they can do if freed from Unity's limitations.

Considering they cannot sell expansion packs to their early adopters (and therefore probably their biggest fans), it would make much more sense to concentrate directly on KSP 2.

I have no doubt that KSP sales exceeded their expectations (worldwide media coverage, was in the top steam sellers at some point, ...), they have no competitors and a massive fan base who will buy their stuff without hesitation on day 1, so not making KSP 2 would make no sense, at least from a business point of view.

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Considering they cannot sell expansion packs to their early adopters (and therefore probably their biggest fans), it would make much more sense to concentrate directly on KSP 2.

I have no doubt that KSP sales exceeded their expectations (worldwide media coverage, was in the top steam sellers at some point, ...), they have no competitors and a massive fan base who will buy their stuff without hesitation on day 1, so not making KSP 2 would make no sense, at least from a business point of view.

Hard to say. While it's true they have said they won't charge early adopters for expansion packs, those early adopters are a small part of KSP's player base (the cutoff date is before KSP really started to snowball in popularity IIRC). So there could be considerable money to be made from releasing such packs even though they're obligated to give some copies away. Squad doesn't share their sales figures so it's difficult for outsiders like us to have a good grasp of the numbers involved.

Another point is that expansion packs could be done concurrently with the early development of KSP2 or whatever the next project is. A parts pack or additional planets would mostly be work for the 3D modeller/texture artist types, while laying the groundwork for a new game is mostly programming. Perhaps the packs could finance the start of the next game?

It's all speculation at this point anyway, but I hope they release more content for KSP (especially since I'm one of those early adopters ;)).

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