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Locking up and Crashing

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I hope I'm in the right place, if not please excuse me I'm a newbie!

I've running 0.24 for about a month and have don loaded 0.25 and trying to get it working. it seems to be locking up and crashing during load up. it seems get into trouble when it says it's loading "Agencies". I've included a Dropbox link to the error log folder


Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Ottawa, Canada

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You appear to have quite a few large part mods installed. Could you give us a list of all the mods you are running and the specs of your machine? Have you ever run successfully with this set of mods?

Your best bet will probably be to either remove some of the part mods or to install Active Texture Management.

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Thank you very much. I down loaded [0.25][Release-3-8][Oct 16, 2014] Active Texture Management and that solved the problem! It now finishes the load and gives me access to the game just the it should. I can now go back to learning how to get into orbit, (Thanks John Manley and You-Tube)


Ottawa, Canada

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