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Freezes every 20-30 seconds

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I 've already reported my problem at http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com but i would like to know if some people are in the same case, and also if you know more about that annoying issue.

I recently sold my graphic card, an NVIDIA GTX 570, in order to buy a new one. KSP was working fine and smoothly so far, with lot of mods and graphics improvments.

I've mounted an old HD 5850 during the time i was waiting for my new graphic card. Since then, i have freezes in game. I mean, the game doesn't crash, but like every 20-30 seconds, it keep freezing during 3-4 seconds. No mods installed for the tests, and graphic settings at the minimum.

I was a bit surprised cause i can even even play smoothly with my poor HD4000 (laptop chipset).

So, a few days ago i received my new card, ATI R9 290. Sadly the problem still persists. It Looks there are some problems with ATI cards or am i missing something ?


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  • 2 weeks later...

I even made a fresh install... Well some news, i 've not precisely isolated the problem, but i can say Dark Multiplayer is in cause, this is the only plug i had for my tests but i primarly didn't think it could be related to this, and even more, that those freezes were massive lags ! I posted on the DMP thread. Thank you for trying to help slumpie. I'm a sorry as i posted without really testing in single mode, which works fine. :/

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