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Everything posted by slumpie

  1. It runs just fine on computers with AMD hardware and additionally there's no need to install anything (apart from the game, of course...).
  2. Since the public beta is out, everybody can buy in and start using it. It's also not forbidden to ship a game with beta unity versions, at least the public ones.
  3. KSPAPIExtensions is outdated and throwing errors... It comes with GlowStrips, which is not compatible with 0.25, and also other mods. I think procedural parts and MechJeb are throwing errors because of it too. ModStatistics is outdated, does it even work?... Action Groups Extended is outdated and throwing errors... Mechjeb is outdated and throwing errors... Infernal Robotics is outdated... Most of your mods are outdated, many not even compatible to 0.25... I'd say the problem is on your end.
  4. Can you imagine how much easier it would be if you told us the mods you installed? Actually, you could also simply do the ... how is it called?... half half method (probably not...). Remove half the mods, check if the problem continues to exist, if yes then remove another half, and so on and so on...
  5. So far there's not really a fix for the clouds.clouds.update exception. Also it's possible that the game just thinks it's running on the Intel iGPU if the laptop has Optimus, can you confirm the Nvidia graphics is not being used? If not you can try to add it to the Nvidia Control Thingy: Go to the NVIDIA Control Panel by right clicking on your desk top and clicking on "NVIDIA Control Panel". In the default screen that pops up (it should be "manage 3D settings", and the "Program Settings" tab should be automatically selected), under "1. Select a program to customize:" hit the "Add" button. From here, navigate to the folder where your steam games are located. As example C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common. Select the folder for the game you want to use your NVIDIA card for, and find the .exe for that game (it's usually right in the main game folder). Select it and hit open. Then, under "2. Select the preferred graphics processor for this program:" open the drop-down menu and select "High-performance NVIDIA processor". Finally, hit apply in the far bottom right corner, and you should be good to go!
  6. Were you playing around with OS X? Possibly a GameData folder from a Mac KSP installation?
  7. I dont think there's anything traveling around. Seriously, what's the size difference in MB? Give some informations first.
  8. What do you mean with left it overnight? Did you let KSP run in it's frozen state? Did you only let the PC run? Did you restart the PC?
  9. Ehm... what's the actual problem? The game crashing at start as said in the title or DR killing the Rapier Engine?... If it's the former, I'd say it's a memory issue. Try starting it with Active Texture Management or the "-force-opengl" attribute.
  10. 2339m/s as seen in the first picture, the second picture was taken a second later to show the craft.
  11. It is going to be added to this mod: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/99020-0-25-Kerbal-Historical-Institute-presents-Original-KSP-Parts?p=1519906&viewfull=1#post1519906 The landing leg is done, but he somehow forgot to include it: So just wait a few days.
  12. Yay, that's a nice one! Regarding AsymmetricFlameoutFix: There's actually a workaround for this. The order of placing parts makes the difference. But great that you're trying to fix it, the workaround isn't very comfortable to use.
  13. Nice Did you ever mess around with the router settings? Firewall or so? It's unusual that a router blocks a site like github by default.
  14. The SSL certificate is normally shown next to the URL in the adressbar, sometimes before the URL, sometimes at the end of it. It often turns green when it's ok and is ususally symbolised by a lock icon. Example (random image from google search...) You can click on it and it will tell you everything you have to now.
  15. ... I dublicated the configs for the SPP replacements and renamed them, but I guess I forgot to delete the transform line. Now this time I copied and pasted the configs from the 24.2 FAR version, 14.1 I think, and renamed them. Only the ones for the relevant parts to be precise. Now it gives me a ton of other exceptions, not as excessive as before though: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3a2a048sez5b0sq/output_log.txt?dl=0 @PART[StandardCtrlSrfREDUX]:FOR[FerramAerospaceResearch] { @module = Part @maximum_drag = 0 @minimum_drag = 0 @angularDrag = 0 @dragCoeff = 0 @deflectionLiftCoeff = 0 @ctrlSurfaceRange = 0 @ctrlSurfaceArea = 0 MODULE { name = FARControllableSurface MAC = 0.668 e = 0.9 nonSideAttach = 1 maxdeflect = 20 MidChordSweep = 0 b_2 = 2.914 TaperRatio = 1 } } @PART[deltaWingREDUX]:FOR[FerramAerospaceResearch] { @module = Part @maximum_drag = 0 @minimum_drag = 0 @angularDrag = 0 @dragCoeff = 0 @deflectionLiftCoeff = 0 MODULE { name = FARWingAerodynamicModel MAC = 2.264 e = 0.75 MidChordSweep = 22.16 b_2 = 3.601 TaperRatio = 0.188 } } @PART[smallCtrlSrfREDUX]:FOR[FerramAerospaceResearch] { @module = Part @maximum_drag = 0 @minimum_drag = 0 @angularDrag = 0 @dragCoeff = 0 @deflectionLiftCoeff = 0 MODULE { name = FARControllableSurface MAC = 0.541 e = 0.9 maxdeflect = 20 nonSideAttach = 1 b_2 = 0.889 TaperRatio = 1 } } @PART[wingConnectorREDUX]:FOR[FerramAerospaceResearch] { @module = Part @maximum_drag = 0 @minimum_drag = 0 @angularDrag = 0 @dragCoeff = 0 @deflectionLiftCoeff = 0 MODULE { name = FARWingAerodynamicModel MAC = 3.516 e = 0.7 MidChordSweep = 0 b_2 = 1.744 TaperRatio = 1 } } Note: All I did was to add "REDUX"
  16. By looking at the config I can tell you that your settings are way too high. SM3 off, Fallback on, AA off, Terain to low, etc.
  17. The log doesn't really tell anything, it looks fine. Could you upload your settings.cfg?
  18. Are you using a proxy? Is it accepting the SSL certificate? Are there other sites that don't load? Especially HTTPS sites? Extensions, as example from your AV, are all disabled? Did you try to connect without a router in between?
  19. Delete the JSI folder and download it from here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/57603-0-25-RasterPropMonitor-putting-the-A-in-your-IVA-%28v0-18-3%29-8-Oct The latest version should be included since B9 5.2.5, but who knows... I had more than once problems with the RPM version B9 came with. Now I'm always using the one from the RPM site, not from B9.
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