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.25 hatch obstruction problems

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Anyone think they might have an idea as to why these 3 hatches are being obstructed in .25?

I mean i know it is the pillar that is obstructing them, but why? there is more than enough clearance and the design works fine for getting kerbals in and out of the science lab/lander cans in .24.2.

do not really want to have to move that pillar up higher, that is moving a hell of a lot of parts up on the craft, basically it means a re design being that this is a perfectly balanced VTOL.

moving the lander cans/science lab is a big job also mainly because they are the centre piece of the craft, everything is built off of them.



Edited by Roflcopterkklol
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That pillar is well clear of the hatches. Not sure why its causing an obstruction.


Well i ended up doing the re design thing on where the lander cans are and turns out they made the obstruction distance way further, where the pillar is now is right on the limit of them being able to get in/out

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It may be the structural panels located so close to the hatches. Even if they are not clipped through, they can often "obstruct" even when they obviously look clear (I had a very similar issue). Try removing objects progressively to find it out. Ex: try removing the panels and see if it is no longer obstructed.

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