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[1.3.0] OPT Space Plane v2.0.1 - updated 29/07/2017


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Say, now that KSP v1.0 has a due date, are you going to go back and update this pack once it hits? If I recall, the drag model is gonna change in 1.0

IIRC K.Yeon optimized these parts for FAR, so as long as FAR doesn't spontaneously combust in 1.0, these should fly

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IIRC K.Yeon optimized these parts for FAR, so as long as FAR doesn't spontaneously combust in 1.0, these should fly

Did he? I thought he said they weren't tested fully and that feedback from FAR/NEAR and OPT users was welcomed/needed? Maybe I'm mixing this up with another mod...

I know they do work with NEAR/FAR, but I'm not sure if they have ben truly optimized. Note the scenario I described earlier.

Well, no matter. I'm looking forward to 1.0 and all the updates to follow from all the major modders, OPT being near the top of my list.

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FAR and the new aerodynamics have the same end goal so its probable that what works in FAR will work in 1.0 and vice versa.

Also I thought I'd say how much I'm loving this mod I just sometimes have issues getting my giant planes off the ground. Perhaps an OPT style JATO rocket would be a good idea? Or what about drop tanks?

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FAR and the new aerodynamics have the same end goal so its probable that what works in FAR will work in 1.0 and vice versa.

Also I thought I'd say how much I'm loving this mod I just sometimes have issues getting my giant planes off the ground. Perhaps an OPT style JATO rocket would be a good idea? Or what about drop tanks?

The mod already has drop tanks for this!

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Just wondering, is anyone else having stability issues when running this mod? I seem to find that whenever I have it installed along with the other mods, that KSP seems to randomly crash. I'm using a rather narrowed down list of mods, but it seems that whenever I include this one, the game tends to just shut down randomly. I really like the mod, but I'm running into some behavior issues apparently. As to what mods I've got running;

B9 aerospace and B9 procedural parts

adjustable landing gear







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Just wondering, is anyone else having stability issues when running this mod? I seem to find that whenever I have it installed along with the other mods, that KSP seems to randomly crash. I'm using a rather narrowed down list of mods, but it seems that whenever I include this one, the game tends to just shut down randomly. I really like the mod, but I'm running into some behavior issues apparently. As to what mods I've got running;

B9 aerospace and B9 procedural parts

adjustable landing gear







Most likely you're running out of memory - that can happen even with a relatively small list of mods if you're not using Active Texture Management or something similar. Post your output_log.txt and we can be sure.

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tried updating whatever things that are dependent for bundled mods such as B9, and loading the game up again. Its taking awhile, but if it does crash again, I'll provide an update, with the output_log.

well, the game seems to be running fine now, just with a really odd issue. I loaded up a spaceplane I built a few days ago, and for some reason, some of the parts suddenly seemed to be doubled or have multiple textures. I tried right clicking on one of them to see if I could reset it back to the configuration I'd used before, and nothing happened, no context menu at all.

alright, I tried removing just activetexturemanagement out of curiousity. (which I installed after the mention of using it) and it crashed, so here's the output file


Edited by caitiemew
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The "doubled" textures you see mean that firespitter.dll is broken. The version packaged with B9 5.2.8 works, so overwrite it with that one and make sure there's only one in your GameData folder.

Also, you need to change the permissions on that file for others to be able to view it.

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The "doubled" textures you see mean that firespitter.dll is broken. The version packaged with B9 5.2.8 works, so overwrite it with that one and make sure there's only one in your GameData folder.

Also, you need to change the permissions on that file for others to be able to view it.

I see that now. Apparently, ckan replaced it with a much older version for some strange reason.

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The mod already has drop tanks for this!

I guess I have an old version lol

- - - Updated - - -

I see that now. Apparently, ckan replaced it with a much older version for some strange reason.

For Firespitter and active texture management NEVER use CKAN always do those manually after the rest of your mods are decided. The CKAN library is often outdated and poor at choosing the newer versions and it can't install active texture management at all in my experience.

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1.0 apparently changed side attachment nodes, or at least corrected how they were supposed to work. Some mentioned that this will be a problem for some part mods as the old nodes were incorrect and modders had to compensate. I know little about modding but I have noticed that OPT parts are not attaching correctly in SPH. I love OPT parts and use them extensively, and I can't wait to be able to use them again.

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