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[1.3.0] OPT Space Plane v2.0.1 - updated 29/07/2017


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taniwha I can understand that well enough. And I suppose the utility for MFT is less when OPT already has FSfuelSwitcher implemented. I'll gladly remove the MFT config from my PR if you prefer that. And if K.Yeon is willing, I can rejigger my configs to work from this mod instead of RF/MFT/CLS/etc.

K.Yeon As discussed, it would be really practical if the configs for mods like Connected Living Space and MFT/RF and so forth lived in the OPT Space Plane Parts mod, so do you have a way for me to contribute to it? I don't see any link to github or the like. I really, really like the parts you've made, but I want to use them with Realism Overhaul (I'm a massive nerd, you see...), and that requires some... finagling. :)

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I would much rather this mod supports MFT, and I'm sure the CLS author would feel the same way.

Yep, I prefer it if configs for CLS go with the mod rather than CLS, that way they can be maintained more easily. However if the author refuses to maintain a set of CLS config, then I am happy to ship it with CLS instead.

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For now, I'm including RF and CLS configs in my RealismOverhaul configs for the mod. If K.Yeon wants, I'll set up some configs for the mod itself with suitable compatibility. I've closed both PRs as a result.

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I have problem with the compressors i don't know does it have to be a problem with the mod or if something else is causing it, but in the part view the amount indicated on the super compressed air is zero and when i fly it the turboramjets won't activate the ramjet mode because they are "super compressed air deprived". So maybe somebody knows how to solve this, or I just don't know how to design it so that it works. Thx

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I have problem with the compressors i don't know does it have to be a problem with the mod or if something else is causing it, but in the part view the amount indicated on the super compressed air is zero and when i fly it the turboramjets won't activate the ramjet mode because they are "super compressed air deprived". So maybe somebody knows how to solve this, or I just don't know how to design it so that it works. Thx

Are you using the OPT Ramjet intakes? Those are the only ones which the plugin responsible for SCA will recognize without editing.

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How about a Cargo ramp for the k-Parts??

I vote for cargo ramps for K and J hulls. The K-class ramp could narrow to a J cross section over the ramp, while the J-class ramp could narrow to Mk2 size. Then have the lower sides fold down and outwards, and a ramp lower and extend. That would allow us to build tail sections onto our cargo ships.

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A j-sized cargo ramp isn't going to very useful because the floor isn't flat (this also makes the mechanics of the ramp very complicated).

I guess there's that. Getting a ramp to mate up to that shape would be a trick.

I also have another idea, though: A combined cargo/tank K class hull. So the middle section has a hollow part of about square cross section with cargo bay doors on top, while the side sections are fuel tanks. Compare the cargo bay on the X-33 and VentureStar designs:


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Hey K.Yeon, love your parts, most of my planes now use them. pretty pretty please can you make the wings TweakScale compatible

you can make them yourself compatible with tweakscale, go on the tweakscale post it is explain on the first post

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This mod is beautiful... Very well done stock alike cockpits and textures. Oh and I as literally looking at this mod and thinking "I wanna build the Avatar shuttle..." and then I scroll down and see it in the video XD. Truly awesome.

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Huh, I haven't used it much before so I didn't pay attention, but, does the OPT drop tank crossfeed work? Maybe it is just me.

Edit: Just MM-ed crossfeed enabler in those tanks and they seem to work now. I wonder what was wrong for me with the basic ones. Gonna investigate more to see if it wasn't just my stupidity.

Edited by RainDreamer
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I just found a bug. It seems the K cockpit adaptor resources are messed up. Looking in the config file I see that it's supposed to have ElectricCharge, IntakeAir, and SuperCompressedAir in addition to the choice of fuels.

FSFuelSwitch deletes all resources other than what it's configured for. I made a config with the 3 static resources added to the FSFuelSwitch, but it can apparently only handle 4 total so the LFO version didn't work right.

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Hello there, K. Yeon and all. I hope all is well in OPT-Land. :)

Just a few comments, requests, etc. This post is basically just going to be me poking 'K.' with a stick to see if we can get more excellent parts sooner rather than later, lol. ;)

Anyway, here we go:

First, I really like the new wing parts, the only problem is that there aren't MORE! More sizes, more shapes, everything. :) Also, I think it was pretty darn creative to give the option of having a fixed wing, or switching the texture to leave a cutout for the Squad Stock control surfaces to slot right in. Brilliant. Genius! A few critiques about that particular feature, and the wings in general: I'd like to see the thickness of the wings match the thickness of the stock parts more exactly, as it is the elevons are just slightly thicker than your parts. Doesn't compromise function, it's just a visual thing, barely noticeable, but noticeable nonetheless. In addition, I really do feel that you could and should create LARGER control surfaces, and the wings/fins to accommodate them, because I've found that, with some of my larger spaceplane designs at least, having just that one tiny little elevon at the rear of a wing or fin just really doesn't give much control authority for wrangling a large (I'm talking 100 ton plus) spaceplane around the sky. How about this, create 'all-flying' versions of all of the existing parts, that would give HUGE control authority! 'All-Flying' means that the entire control surface pivots on a base part, instead of most of it being fixed with just a small elevon at the rear. For reference, see... well, just about all modern fighter aircraft designed in the last 30 years, actually. :) I'm thinking of the F-22 Raptor, the F-35 Lightning II, the F-18, F-16, F-15, F-14, the list goes on and on. All of those planes have at least one 'all-flying' tail control surface. Anyway, I think you get the idea.

Now, some things (new parts, or additional versions of existing parts) that I've found myself in need of lately as I've been building various designs: Of course there's the 'K' cargo ramp, I know that's being worked on, just reiterating that request again. I also feel the need for 'half-length' versions of a few parts in this pack; 'J' and 'K' fuel tanks and cargo bays both are primarily where I'm going with this request. Also, I find myself looking for 'J' and 'K' sized reaction wheel modules, the only parts in this pack that have reaction wheels are the cockpits, and that's usually not enough torque for a really big spaceplane. Maybe you could combine several features into a 'service module' part the way the MK4 mod has done, meaning that there could be a thin part that has reaction wheels, monopropellant, and several thousand units of electricity combined. I don't know, just an idea. :)

Oh, also, how about a version of the new 'Valkyrie'-cockpit-to-'K'-ADAPTOR part that does NOT have air intakes? Not that I dislike the part now, but sometimes I want to use other types of air intake designs, or no air-breathing engines at all, so I don't always need the built-in intakes on the adaptor part. That way, that huge part can carry a variety of things, like more fuel, passengers, you could do a version with an integral docking port as with the 'J' part, there's lots of things that it could be used for.

Okay, well, it's getting late here, or rather, early, and I'm tired, so I've probably forgotten a few other things I wanted to mention. But to reiterate, these parts are fantastic, and I'm looking forward to getting some new parts (hopefully) soon. Keep up the great work, K.!

Later! :D

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I second every suggestion from Neutrinovore above. That would rock. (Oh, BTW, the all-flying horizontal tailplane is called a stabilator, and is common in use on fast-mover jets today because it is reliable at supersonic speeds - which makes it exactly the sort of control surface you want on your SSTO too. So very good call on suggesting that.)

A K-cockpit-to-J adaptor would be really sweet, too, I think that ought to be feasible.

Gods, this mod makes me want to get into modeling. In all my copious spare time.

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Does anyone have tweakscale configs for the wings? I tried editing the scale/rescale lines in the part configs which semi works. When I do it the parts scale happily until I launch at which point the wings revert to default scale. I did post a while back about getting these wings rescalable and was basically told to write my own but I don't have sufficient knowledge to do it.

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Hey guys, sorry for not checking in much, ive been really busy with life..... But dont worry it wont be abandoned haha, just might take a while!

I have read all of your comments and combined the suggestions with a previous planned list. im glad to see so many suggestions!

Anyway hopefully this list answers many questions

1.6.9: (Mid april)

-IVAs (6 in total)

-k cargo ramp

-proper support for CLS, DRE, tweakscale wings and FX-collision landing gear fix

-Experimental Jet VTOL Engines (i want to make it so it does not require action group, tilt is controlled by top 10% of the throttle; yet to be proven to work)

1.7 (July)

-k tricoupler (3x 2.5m adaptor);

-k bicoupler (2x mk3 adaptor)

-k 2m service module (reaction wheel, fuel, electricity)

-k crew tank

-k hollow structural fuselage (cargo without doors)

-j Bicoupler

-j mk3 adaptor

-j service module

-J 8m fuel tank

-J 8m cargobay

-J 2m fuel tank

- All-moving wings/fins

- more wing types

1.8: December

-2 radial attached cockpit (bridged ver, Pod ver with escape racks)

-more wing types if needed

-Engine Gimballing and redo engine FX using sarbian's SmokeScreen plugin


-VTOL engine Finalized (large shrouded propeller ver, Jet ver)

-MultipurposeStructuralFuselage (n?) system (triangluar parts that will make J parts look rectangular if attached to it's angled surfaces, ideal platform for wings and landing gears; also good for medium sized drones)

2.0 (before March next year)

-Fix bugs?

+ release

I have a short break around mid April, which i should be able to finish 1.6.9. Everything else would have to wait till later this year.

Ofcourse this list is not fixed, more suggestions are always welcome!

And a while ago i suddenly had a urge to make a mk2 cockpit (because the stock mk2 cockpit is just slightly difference texture). well HERE IT IS! as a thanks for the supports! hope everyone likes it (sadly iva also comming soon.... im bad with ivas :P and making new styled props for RPM is abit time consuming)

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Hey guys, sorry for not checking in much, ive been really busy with life..... But dont worry it wont be abandoned haha, just might take a while!

I have read all of your comments and combined the suggestions with a previous planned list. im glad to see so many suggestions!

Anyway hopefully this list answers many questions

Dear Yeon, I personally registered just now to commend you on all your work so far and to wish you all the best in your future development. I think you have a great mod on your hands (aka a bright future in the 3d modelling industry). If you need any help, I would be MORE than happy to help. Am not a modeller myself, but I can handle the community for you if you want to. :)

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