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how do i continue a flight in progress when i open the game?


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Loving the game, but i closed it with a flight in progress and now i can't figure out how to go back to it. I can see it in the tracking station but i can't do anything with it. It is a sandbox mode game. Can i get it back?

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You pick up a flight in progress by going to the Tracking Station, the structures with the dish antennas, and selecting it from the list of flights in progress. If that is not working, post a screenshot so we can try to determine what the problem is.

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More specifically - in the tracking station click on the ship itself or its name on the left of the screen, which is easier. Then at the bottom-left of the screen there are three buttons with a crane, an 'X' and a rocket symbol respectively. From left to right those are 'recover' (only available landed/splashed down on Kerbin), 'terminate' (not a good idea unless it's just discarded debris) and 'fly'.

Click 'fly' and you'll be taken back to your ship in space (or wherever).

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Sorry for the delay in answering.

Finally got a chance to play again, and now it loads properly in the tracking station. Must have been a loading glitch - i'm not used to the game and thought maybe i was in the wrong place. Basically i couldn't click the button where the flight was listed on the left, so i couldn't see what the buttons at the bottom did. @Xannari Ferrows - a workaround, always welcome.

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