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My World Record Attempt - Circumnavigation of Kerbin with a Cart!


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I\'ve decided to take it upon myself to drive around Kerbin via a cart!

I shall start at the KSC, marked on this map.


I am aware that it is an old map; however, it is the best I can do at short notice, and will be replaced as soon as I can get my hands on a more recent one.

The vehicle of choice shall be the original cart, with the addition of a Mechjeb module* for the marking of coordinate waypoints during my journey. I plan to take an easterly route, and will be marking my progress with lines as I go.

Allow me to present to you the Intrepid:


My first goal is to head north-east towards the triangular peninsula. I shall be updating this thread whenever I encounter an interesting feature or reach a goal.

*I will be using a Mechjeb modified to have an extremely low mass. Testing has shown that the added weight of a standard Mechjeb causes issues with turning at any sort of reasonable speed.

Wish me luck! I\'m going to need it!

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With 0.14.2, Kerbin isn\'t as much of a Pangaea as it was before. I dunno if this is possible now.

It\'s possible. I\'ll have to drive up in the northern latitudes somewhat, but I can drop down in a few places.

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I\'d probably edit MechJeb (and your capsule) to have higher crash tolerances, too. No need to go quite as high as the Cart\'s, but enough to not lose them both by accident because you lost control and rolled the cart while racing across what you thought was flat plain.

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I\'m at the halfway point between KSC and the Triangle Peninsula, as I\'ve taken to calling it. There\'s a cool lake here.



Latitude: 7 deg. 14\' 19' North

Longitude: 68 deg. 56\' 57' West


Edit: My apologies for the late update, but I had issues with posting this morning.

This is going to be a hell of a ride. Good luck! (Don\'t forget to quicksave in every few km. Just in case.)

Trust me, F5 and F9 have quickly become my most-used keys ;)

I\'m quite sure this is possible. It\'s going to take you a long while though.

Also, don\'t crash. That\'d be amusing but annoying.

I crashed at least four times before figuring out that the Mechjeb pod was raising my COG enough to cause rollover crashes in modest turns.

Can I say though;

That vehicle looks horrible.

Well, if you want to make me a new cart model, now would be the best time; I\'m still close enough to the KSC to drive out another cart in a reasonable amount of time. Heck, anyone who\'s interested, PM me!

I\'d probably edit MechJeb (and your capsule) to have higher crash tolerances, too. No need to go quite as high as the Cart\'s, but enough to not lose them both by accident because you lost control and rolled the cart while racing across what you thought was flat plain.

Quickload, my friend. I also realized just before turning in last night that I could just go to the map view to find my latitude and longitude... so it\'s just another .00001 mass now.

But he can go over the sea near the poles now, so I think it should still be possible, if he stays far enough north.

That\'s the plan. In fact, if you go into map view, you\'ll see this is true! If I have enough time and/or feel like it, I\'ll detour up to the poles!

Edit 2: I\'ve reached the Triangle Peninsula!




Latitude: 10 deg. 55\' 37' North

Longitude: 62 deg. 14\' 28 West


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My apologies for the double post, but the previous one is getting quite long.

I\'ve reached Lake Crescent, that large lake visible from the map view along the side of that large 'bay' area!


Fun with boulders!


A near-tragedy struck when I managed to flip the cart using the handbrake. In the process of righting it, I lost the Mechjeb module.


A view of the twilight sky next to Lake Crescent.

Latitude: 21 deg. 53\' 58' North

Longitude: 54 deg. 37\' 33' West


My next goal will be to reach the Twin Lakes, a feature that you really can\'t see on this map. I will head south-west along the coast until I reach them.

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I\'m making this attempt as well.

This is the Armadillo


Utilizes the MechJeb Cmd Module, the Cart, and an 'Ion engine' mod. I\'m not sure where I got the Ion Engine Battery and Solar Panel mod from. I usually consider it cheating but on the Cart I rationalize it as there are solar power and battery power cars so this keeps with the spirit of the challenge I think.

Currently 30 mins out side of KSC

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Current Location: Waypoint 4 Lat 26.635234 Long 48.642825


-Waypoint 1 Lat 20.358150 Long -62.460300

-Landmark: The cove lake


-Waypoint 2 Lat 13.406638 Long -42.830850

-Waypoint 3 Lat -11.344030 Long -22.855453

-Landmark: Twin Lakes


-Waypoint 4 Lat 26.635234 Long 48.642825

-Landmark: Bunny Lake


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Since when did this become a challenge thread? S:|

LOL ... when you entitled the thread 'World Record Attempt' :)

Thought about doing this myself, but I want to actually land on the Mun first.

This is like two rich people (Richard Branson Kerbson and whatshisname ((The guy who perished in a plane crash))) competing for the around the world solo prize.

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Guest GroundHOG-2010

LOL ... when you entitled the thread 'World Record Attempt' :)

Thought about doing this myself, but I want to actually land on the Mun first.

This is like two rich people (Richard Branson Kerbson and whatshisname ((The guy who perished in a plane crash))) competing for the around the world solo prize.

Steve Fossett

But that was with a plane, which has been done before.

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