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Upcoming Mk3 parts should be large enough to accommodate 2.5m parts in the cargo bay

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I think a rear cargo bay that has a ramp that folds down so that you can drive a rover into it would be a good thing to add.

on my MK2 parts thread, I suggested a nosecone that opens with separate extendable ramps to achieve this. the nose cone could always be used as a tail cone...

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Some support for landing big crafts on the runway. It is rly difficult to get alligned and get the right angle when landing a shuttle. Some more markers, lights and an interface that gives you basic info on your allignment.

oh and of course aerodynamics that allow you to actually glide somewhat realistically and do an unpowered landing. If you don't know what I mean try the landing in FAR (gliding on a controlled decent) and stock (falling out of orbit like a rock)

Yeah, with FAR you can actually use just a capsule (Perhaps a bit of fuselage too) and glide to the KSC from a significant distance. Makes it much simpler to get near-100% recovery values.

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Please no. We need something fresh. B9 had amazing cargo bays and ramps. Something like that but more PorkJetty would be great. Also a nose/tail section looking like Skylon's tail section:


Both for mk2 and mk3. And rotated upside-down would make for a great front nose cone.

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Please no. We need something fresh. B9 had amazing cargo bays and ramps. Something like that but more PorkJetty would be great. Also a nose/tail section looking like Skylon's tail section:


Both for mk2 and mk3. And rotated upside-down would make for a great front nose cone.

Nothing too different, I hope. I want still to be able to build my rovers. Although I'm sure There will be "get your old mk3 parts here" -mod


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Who the heck would want the old mk3 parts?????

There are about 3 pixels in that model not to mention the weirdly placed node.

I think I gave a pretty good reason up there. Just look at that rover. There are many other things you can do with them. I once used them to build USS Enterprise (can't remember which one, perhaps D)

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Yeah, that's a great image. When I saw it for the first time I thought it was an actual KSP comic, then I realized better.

We can all adapt, though, right? :huh:

I don't really care about my old crafts: in fact, I constantly delete games and start new ones, even in Career Mode. (Less now that I'm doing better with SSTO's and such, it provides a challenge to the game which I found was previously lacking)

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Would be good to have landing gear that actually retracted into the fuselage. Not sure if that's possible, because the current stock landing gear opening/closing animation tends to spaz the physics engine if they're clipping other objects.

Here's me replying super late, but only because there is new evidence! If you look at HarvestR's most recent mission to Laythe, you'll notice the landing gear is 'tucked' into the fuselage. I'm pretty sure this is because with the new part widgets, you can actually decide to sink parts! ARE YOU EXCITED?!? I'M EXCITED ALSO!


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The Mk3 parts, as they presently exist, are meant to approximate the Space Shuttle orbiter. Let's consider what the real Space Shuttle's primary function was: to transport large modules to the ISS during its construction.

Yes, please.

It actually should be big enough to fit 2.5m parts with some basic, small additions on a sides. (so we'd avoid clipping).

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1.875 meter parts, a 2-kerbal pod and mk4 space plane parts. to me these are examples of things are not going to happen. sorry. I'd love if it did happen, but I'm 99% sure it wont.

personally I think MK3 cargo bays should fit 2.5m parts, but it should be a snug fit, no room for batteries or RCS thrusters on the outside.

see pic VV


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1.875 meter parts, a 2-kerbal pod and mk4 space plane parts. to me these are examples of things are not going to happen. sorry. I'd love if it did happen, but I'm 99% sure it wont.

personally I think MK3 cargo bays should fit 2.5m parts, but it should be a snug fit, no room for batteries or RCS thrusters on the outside.

see pic VV


I would be ok with that. But only if the cockpit looks nice. That's pretty much the thing that will determine if I will continue to use b9 or if I return to stock. But tbh I don't rly expect them to get it right... the new cockpits aren't bad, they are rly nice for some designs. But they aren't flexible enough for all the stuff that I want to do. I kinda expect that it will be similar with the upcoming mk3 parts.

Also the b9 shuttle cockpit (sharp edged, 2 pilots, octagonal-ish, looks like a modern space shuttle) is wonderfull and it is by far my favourite part in ksp. I guess it will be hard to design something that gets close to it. Lets be honest, the devs have a tough job to live up to the expectaions. At least to mine :D

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I hope the mk3 cockpit will look nice to be used on both: the shuttle(SSTO) and for heavy airplane transporters. Something shuttle-like but symmetrical in both axes.

My dream is to have one of those massive mk3 SSTO thingies to be sent to Laythe, VTOL onto it's surface, drive the modules out of it's belly and setup a small outpost there. That's all I want.

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