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Planning to start a collection of small part pack mods [Dev build available (V0.1)]


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For anyone that's interested:

So I did a tune up on the Corvus and added a release thread for it here.

It's 1.0.2 compatible and all the textures have been updated to DDS format.

I still feel that it needs a major overhaul, but since this is more of a secondary mod for me, it will be a while before I have something out for it. It's still working parts that mostly work for what they are, so I figured I'd go ahead and release it in it's current state.

Big thanks to Somnambulist for the patch and for helping re-kindle interest in the project.

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For anyone that's interested:

So I did a tune up on the Corvus and added a release thread for it here.

It's 1.0.2 compatible and all the textures have been updated to DDS format.

I still feel that it needs a major overhaul, but since this is more of a secondary mod for me, it will be a while before I have something out for it. It's still working parts that mostly work for what they are, so I figured I'd go ahead and release it in it's current state.

Big thanks to Somnambulist for the patch and for helping re-kindle interest in the project.

Hooray! I'm glad you finally moved this over to the release forum -- your work is far too good to stay hidden away in development!

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  • 1 month later...
For anyone that's interested:

So I did a tune up on the Corvus and added a release thread for it here.

It's 1.0.2 compatible and all the textures have been updated to DDS format.

I still feel that it needs a major overhaul, but since this is more of a secondary mod for me, it will be a while before I have something out for it. It's still working parts that mostly work for what they are, so I figured I'd go ahead and release it in it's current state.

Big thanks to Somnambulist for the patch and for helping re-kindle interest in the project.

This is as close to perfect as I and many others need. This is the right size, early enough in the tech tree, the parts all work together well (capsule, nose, heat shield, seperator, monoprop tank, and the engine). it fills a niche perfectly - and its useful all the way through the end of the tech tree. This is my go-to for "evac pods", a spare command spot to build my tugs with, rescues (of course), and its light enough to be a return stage for landers. And it simply looks good - it looks right. This is my most used component of any parts mod I have downloaded. For the base parts (above) you dont need to change a thing! Add other parts as you see fit, but please leave the core as it is - no need to change anything about it other than updating it for game engine changes, and possibly altering the tank to be a true service module - mabye with monoprop core, and a couple hatches that would take advantage of KIS/KAS style crates - like Universal Storage does. But keep the look and the monoprop - and the attachable monoprop engine. Having several hundred delta-v attached and looking integrated comes in handy.

Edited by Murdabenne
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