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Community Mun Base 2.0

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I\'m thinking the far south and far north of the Mun will be updated at some point, as currently there is a lot of (interesting) mesh and texture warping there.

The valley LZ may be a safer option for the long term but the south pole is really cool and everyone should take a look at least once.

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I\'m thinking the far south and far north of the Mun will be updated at some point, as currently there is a lot of (interesting) mesh and texture warping there.

The valley LZ may be a safer option for the long term but the south pole is really cool and everyone should take a look at least once.

Valid point about about LZ 3, but I fear any new updates .15/.16/.17 will break compatability with the present Persistance file.

At the very least, it could introduce NAN errors.

An any new updates to the game are recommended on a clean install, as always.

I Trully fear, as more updates are released, the Stock + Modded Mun Colony projects will have to be started from fresh, at some point...

So Landing at LZ 3 - Bob\'s Bottom (South Pole Crater), an having are ships swallowed up by the ground will be the least of our worries.

I see it as Havean for the experienced pilots, an a target to work for, too the newer members...

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Ok, landing IN a Crator isn\'t working so well.

An I forgot to Quicksave (F5), so... Face Palm self time.

As I ripe wings + engines off the craft as I gently collide into the very uneven ground. :(

Back too try again... (Having buckets of fun.)

Thinking of trying to land, at the very edge of a large Crator...

See how that works..

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Constant calling in Sir! Mission success! Have landed at Charlie Base, Commander. It is hereby re-dubbed Southern Island Boogaloo Base because Camvis wanted that name and its his birthday. We undershot LZ-3 Target vehicle, but still within walking distance, Sir! Here is some snapshots I was able to take in between Samble\'s screaming sessions.

Here is us at take off, Constant doing its duty by not exploding. (img 16) screenshot16.png

Landing Zone visualized Sir! (Img 18) screenshot18.png

Orbital Plane adjustment (Img 19) screenshot19.png

RETRO! (Img 24) screenshot24.png

Landing! One leg did fall off, but that why we installed an extra! I\'m sure no problem will come of this! (Img 27) screenshot27.png

No problem at all (Img 28) screenshot28.png

Here is a veiw from above of the landing site. (Img 32) screenshot32.png

All in all... A good day... Now quit all the screaming Pilot Samble! Have some cake.(Img 30) screenshot30.png

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Wonderful work, Greghorst!

A very well presented an documented reply of your mission. 5 Stars! :)

Do you wish too book another flight?

Sal_Vager, its now your turn.

Updating original post, so please check there for persistance file.

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Okay I\'m commencing flight now.....

LZ2 looks better suited to my craft.

That big of a craft. :o

Please take some Pop Corn an chips, as my Kerbals are doing funny things to each, cus there so hungry. That\'ll teach them to pack there lunch boxes.

Nahh, I sure there lonely however.

Must rebook another flight for myself, an try landing in a Crator.

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Mission control this is Radio Telescope Unit One, reporting successful landing at the secondary landing zone at sunrise, local time.

Dish A and B are deployed and all systems are nominal, the crew is beginning observations and have delivered mealpak\'s to the crew of the zone marker vessel.


A complete Imgur gallery of the flight can be found here:


I had better mention, I have installed a replacement texture for the ASAS and I modified the bland gray fuel tank texture to make it lighter, I also changed the ugly green/blue murk on the sides to a much nicer coppery sheen, aside from this the parts are the actual stock parts, they just look nicer on my Pc :)

Also, please re-add me to the bottom of the flight list.

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Thank you Sal_vager, another wonderful contribution to the Mun Colony.

An a wonderfully original Lander design...

My Kerbals Thank you for the gift of Food + Drink + Satelite TV/Radio... ;)

- I trust you will want, to book another flight?

Moving on:

TNTGODZZ Its now your go..

Please see my updated post, for all the latest information.

An I have made a few alterations, too The Community Stock Rules:

Copy + Pasted For members conveniance, New/Updated Rules are highlighted in Blue, Please read them.

Mun Colony Flight Guide-lines: Updated 26.04.12

1. All Flights Must be flown, with the Latest Supported KSP Build. Presently KSP 0.14.4

2. All Flights Must be flown, with STOCK Parts Only.

3. All Flights Must be requested in advance, to be added to the Mun Colony Flight List.

4. All Flights Must be flown in order - Please No Skipping.

5. A 48 Hour Window, will be given - From my notification. Pilots Must have made an attempt to Land, in this time frame.

6. As long as an attempt has been made, pilots may request further time, to succesful land.

7. Pilots who missed there Launch Window, are welcome to request another flight.

8. Land you craft in a working re-usable order, with some fuel - Some one might want to test you craft later.

9. At the End of your flight please post your Persistance file. (It will then be accessible to others, an uploaded to this Post.)

10. Please take pictures, for your own record. But also to help tell the story of your brave Kerbals voyage.

11. Pilots are free to choose any Landing Zone (Alpha/Bravo/Charlie) At there discression.

12. However Pilots will be encouraged, to Land at alternative LZ\'s, if one or more may become overcrowded, in the fareness that ALL members can enjoy an contribute.

- Always Have Fun.

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I got my KSP up and running again :D

I should be able to do a flight tomorrow, can I get put next in queue on the stock base since I haven\'t landed yet?

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An I have made a few alterations, too The Community Stock Rules:

Copy + Pasted For members conveniance, New/Updated Rules are highlighted in Blue, Please read them.

Mun Colony Flight Guide-lines: Updated 26.04.12

1. All Flights Must be flown, with the Latest Supported KSP Build. Presently KSP 0.14.4

2. All Flights Must be flown, with STOCK Parts Only.

3. All Flights Must be requested in advance, to be added to the Mun Colony Flight List.

4. All Flights Must be flown in order - Please No Skipping.

5. A 48 Hour Window, will be given - From my notification. Pilots Must have made an attempt to Land, in this time frame.

6. As long as an attempt has been made, pilots may request further time, to succesful land.

7. Pilots who missed there Launch Window, are welcome to request another flight.

8. Land you craft in a working re-usable order, with some fuel - Some one might want to test you craft later.

9. At the End of your flight please post your Persistance file. (It will then be accessible to others, an uploaded to this Post.)

10. Please take pictures, for your own record. But also to help tell the story of your brave Kerbals voyage.

11. Pilots are free to choose any Landing Zone (Alpha/Bravo/Charlie) At there discression.

12. However Pilots will be encouraged, to Land at alternative LZ\'s, if one or more may become overcrowded, in the fareness that ALL members can enjoy an contribute.

- Always Have Fun.

For rule 8, why do we need to land it in a working order? It would be very interesting if we could have a broken (yet safely landed) craft near one of the bases, and give each base a certain amount of resources depending on it\'s size. So, for example, if you crashed a ship, you\'d have a certain time to save them before they die (Seanoog would end the flight and announce this). The amount of time could depends on the amount of ships, and the amount of parts per ship. For example, for every command pod you\'d get 4 units of fuel, and for each fuel tank you\'d have 1 unit. 2 units would be consumed per day per ship, one unit at 12:00 AM and 12:00 PM.

So you\'d have more time to save a pod at a big base than another smaller. We could also have resupply missions, where an official landing craft pad is chosen, and other spaceships have to land on this pad or ring and decouple fuel then get back. It could make a slightly more dynamic experience.

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It might become too much work to maintain this project, but if Seanoog wants a ring ship I have several made, they might cause excess lag at the base though and they need persistence editing to get into place, as they are designed to just sit there and never fly.

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I got my KSP up and running again :D

I should be able to do a flight tomorrow, can I get put next in queue on the stock base since I haven\'t landed yet?

Why don\'t you just download the persistence file now, an see how you get on. ;)

For rule 8, why do we need to land it in a working order? It would be very interesting if we could have a broken (yet safely landed) craft near one of the bases, and give each base a certain amount of resources depending on it\'s size. So, for example, if you crashed a ship, you\'d have a certain time to save them before they die (Seanoog would end the flight and announce this). The amount of time could depends on the amount of ships, and the amount of parts per ship. For example, for every command pod you\'d get 4 units of fuel, and for each fuel tank you\'d have 1 unit. 2 units would be consumed per day per ship, one unit at 12:00 AM and 12:00 PM.

So you\'d have more time to save a pod at a big base than another smaller. We could also have resupply missions, where an official landing craft pad is chosen, and other spaceships have to land on this pad or ring and decouple fuel then get back. It could make a slightly more dynamic experience.

This question was actually asked before.

So Perhaps a slight editing of words is appropriate. The real reason why I want usable an working craft is watching the Original Community Mun Project.

@ http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=7849.0

It resembled more of a Scrap Yard than, a Community of Mun Vehicles... Sadly many of the pictures in the original post are taken down, too prove my point.

Besides, after ALL the effort you put into building, flying, landing your craft, don\'t you want it represented in the best light, some one might want to test fly your craft,

I have personally flown Sal_Vager\'s Radio Telescope Unit One an crashed it....

However, I have NEVER refused a Persistance file contributed by members, Some of the craft are almost out of fuel, some have no RCS. But generally they are in working order.

Heck, I landed my APOLLO-02 (Landing Zone Bravo) an its missing two winglets during a hard landing, Its not Perfect but its still usable.

Too summarise, I don\'t want a collection of scattered parts + Command Pod, as been your Craft.

Sorry, I have never been a fan of role playing. (In reference to to micro-managing of the Base, an damaged ships)

So I won\'t be implementing that idea into this project.

Also, my time will become some what limited, as I am starting my own business. (Don\'t worry, I will do what I can.)

It might become too much work to maintain this project, but if Seanoog wants a ring ship I have several made, they might cause excess lag at the base though and they need persistence editing to get into place, as they are designed to just sit there and never fly.

How big are we talking? 100-200 Parts?

If its really big, you could consider opening another space port, close by, or completely away from other craft.

Obviously you\'d have to wait your turn.

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okay everybody. ive landed at the south pole, well, a crash landed. i ran out of fuel on my landing stage, and had to use the reurn stage to lad with. it fell apart upon touchdown, but they are with some fellow kerbals. added the file. ;)

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...why? That just excludes and confuses people, this is a Community Mun Base.

A PM is useful as it lets you know it\'s your go without expecting you to keep watching for new posts. A PM and a public post is the best way, as I\'m sure Seanoog has been doing.

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A PM is useful as it lets you know it\'s your go without expecting you to keep watching for new posts. A PM and a public post is the best way, as I\'m sure Seanoog has been doing.

Sean, would you please PM us rather than post here?

Yes I Post in this thread, in Blue writing, when a post needs immediate attention, off ALL members.

I have also sent PM\'s to every member, reminding them its there turn.

- However, going through my PM Messages, I dont see any record of sending one to Gojira, So I appologise, if I missed you!

okay everybody. ive landed at the south pole, well, a crash landed. i ran out of fuel on my landing stage, and had to use the reurn stage to lad with. it fell apart upon touchdown, but they are with some fellow kerbals. added the file. ;)

Yes, that looks like a Crash landing, but thanks for contributing!

Would you like to book another flight, or try again immediatly, too land another craft intact?

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nah, you can have it back. i don\'t have much time over the next few days/weeks. i did get to one intact, but up close i lost control due to low fps (darn large ships) and crashed. second time, they survived. unable to return ;) if i change my mind, ill post later on about re booking. for now, im fine :D

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nah, you can have it back. i don\'t have much time over the next few days/weeks. i did get to one intact, but up close i lost control due to low fps (darn large ships) and crashed. second time, they survived. unable to return ;) if i change my mind, ill post later on about re booking. for now, im fine :D

Which base was that? Landing Zone Alpha? As its filled with craft!

Do you want me to put you on the end of the list! Could be another week+ before getting the chance to fly again?

Ciber, its now your go!

Please see my updated, original Post for access to the Latest Persistance File.

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