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Baumgartner must be now really rally pissed off :-)


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This is the Science Lab where science and technology should be discussed not the relative decadence of things.

Ok then I'll just stick to the facts.

The articles I've read say the technology that went into this is specific for survival high up in the atmosphere, with the express purpose of taking paying customers up in balloons. Draw your own conclusions.

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Cpt. Kipard, see the post above yours (#25) please

also the tech he made makes High Altitude bail outs of planes and space craft possible so it is not just for rich people to go skydiving out of balloons (although that might be what the tech is first used for)

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He didn't make the technology, bail-outs from spacecraft would be lethal without a capsule due to re-entry heating and wearing a space suit in a plane is unfeasible.

Much as he's well within his rights to spend his spare money on a mostly useless activity (as every gamer, holiday-goer and hobbyist does), don't pretend that this was anything more than that.

Edited by Charzy
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The articles I've read say the technology that went into this is specific for survival high up in the atmosphere, with the express purpose of taking paying customers up in balloons. Draw your own conclusions.

There's no substantial difference between survival suits for that kind of altitude and for space. These guys (Paragon) have considerable work on orbital systems already, and among other things are subcontracted by spacex for the ECLSS on dragon.

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the tech he made makes High Altitude bail outs of planes and space craft possible

High altitude planes maybe, but that's like arguing for the space race by saying we get non-stick frying pans for it.

There's no substantial difference between survival suits for that kind of altitude and for space. These guys (Paragon) have considerable work on orbital systems already, and among other things are subcontracted by spacex for the ECLSS on dragon.

So what's new?

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I don't see how this is any more decadent than rich people climbing Mount Everest, rich people buying a Bugatti Veyron, or rich people getting a ticket on Virgin Galactic or Soyuz.

You people are always harping on about how "space tourism" is supposed to jump start us into a "space faring species" or whatever, yet when a rich person wants to spend his money on something like this, it's "decadent". Do you really think that space tourism would be any different?

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There's no substantial difference between survival suits for that kind of altitude and for space. These guys (Paragon) have considerable work on orbital systems already, and among other things are subcontracted by spacex for the ECLSS on dragon.
Compactness and mobility. Getting the amount of time necessary for this out of a suit of that size, and especially one usable on the ground, is extremely impressive.

Alright. Just post some sources for all of that and everyone can move on.

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