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0 to light speed in 3 minutes


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First off:

No HyperEditing.

No MechJeb, the final craft was 100% stock. (I used MechJeb on the lifter because I was lazy and didn't want to bother to launch it into orbit, I instead milled about and worked on homework.)

No savefile, part editing, or the like.

It even obeys the laws of physics, as it is massless, and therefore has no kinetic energy, obeying relativity, blah blah blah...


How it was done:

A 100% massless craft was made.

This craft consisted of:

1 G-Meter (the science instrument)

a cubic octagonal strut

A lot of 0T-10 monoprop engines.

This was launched into orbit by a regular chemical lifter.

Once it was in orbit, infinite fuel was turned off, the lifter's engine was shut down, and the engines on the FTL drive were activated.

Throttle was set to 100%. Since these engines ran on monopropellant, and there was no monoprop aboard, they were off. They entire massless section was decoupled.

Then, infinite fuel was enabled, firing engines to accelerate a massless part.

I don't think this has been done before...

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I could have gone faster I was just bored.

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