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NASA - Adaptable, Deployable Entry Placement Technology (ADEPT) by OLDD (26.04.14)


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The ADEPT concept is a mechanically deployable semi-rigid aeroshell entry system capable of achieving low ballistic coefficient during entry suitable for a variety of planetary or earth return missions. Also, It will increase drag when open.

Provided for two sizes (2.5 and 5).


KSP OLDD version

NASA version



Deadly Re-entry Continued plugin (NathanKell) - if installed, the Heat Shield will protect bodies Pod from the heat and stresses of atmospheric reentry.

[h=2]AdvancedAnimator - ModuleAnimateGeneric upgraded v1.1.1 | 2/04/14[/h]




This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Edited by DennyTX
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  Starwaster said:
These parts don't deploy.

Looking at the part configuration files, they use a module named 'ModuleAnimator'. Did you perhaps mean ModuleAnimateGeneric?

Or is there some other mod dependency that's not listed here?

oh yup,.. seems like i forgot something.

dependencies and link has been added

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I have a suggestion that will help with flipping problems. (severity of which depend on whether someone has stock drag or not....)

(oh, assumes that RF is installed. Doesn't do anything without it) (derrr)

name = LeadBallast
amount = 0.0
maxAmount = 350.0 // (That's actually quite a lot; maybe too much seeing as how in RF that's 350 liters. That's just what I was testing DRE's inflatable with. Maybe reduce it)

Edited by Starwaster
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I had a flipping problem, yes. Stock drag model. I added some speedbrakes to the top end to deploy for stabilization on entry.

Made this as an excuse to use this part. My it's large. I appreciate you made it to scale, but do you think you'd mind making it TweakScale-able?

Edited by SmiteZero
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  SmiteZero said:
I had a flipping problem, yes. Stock drag model. I added some speedbrakes to the top end to deploy for stabilization on entry.

Made this as an excuse to use this part. My it's large. I appreciate you made it to scale, but do you think you'd mind making it TweakScale-able?

It's kind of funny, the documentation on the actual ADEPT project mentions flipping as a possible solution for ditching the shield... (though lists several cons against the idea such as loss of control and unneeded complexity...)

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Amazing mod! Thanks for the work, Denny!

  Starwaster said:
It would also be nice if the description mentioned the need for a decoupler for the top.... k_smiley.gif

Just found out the hard way that my probe can't decouple k_sad.gif

There actually is a decoupler, but it's on the bottom (round) part. ;)

Edited by Kowgan
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  Starwaster said:
It's kind of funny, the documentation on the actual ADEPT project mentions flipping as a possible solution for ditching the shield... (though lists several cons against the idea such as loss of control and unneeded complexity...)

Why not add an empty waste tank for the needed reentry mass? No need to waste delta-v on Pb..

Just fill it as waste becomes available...

If non-kerbal or no waste products, H'mm, will have to think on that... LoL..

Starwaster I will try to come up with method and have you look it over to see what i did wrong...

Love this mod.. Great stuff and hope more keeps coming..


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Hello there,

I created an updated config file for this awesome mod. It removes the dependency on AdvancedAnimator (which does not seem to be maintained anymore) and replaces it with the stock animation module, which seems to do the job just fine. The animation plays a bit slower, but I think I can live with that. Also while I was at it, I changed the category to from Pods to Structural, as that seems to be where all the Deadly Reentry heatshields live. Finally I changed the decoupler node from bottom to top, which makes more sense in my opinion. It is also how the Deadly Reentry inflatable heatshield is set up.

Grab the file here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1003097/NASAaeroShield.cfg and stick it into GameData/OLDD/NASA, overwriting the original file.

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  madadam said:
Hello there,

I created an updated config file for this awesome mod. It removes the dependency on AdvancedAnimator (which does not seem to be maintained anymore) and replaces it with the stock animation module, which seems to do the job just fine. The animation plays a bit slower, but I think I can live with that. Also while I was at it, I changed the category to from Pods to Structural, as that seems to be where all the Deadly Reentry heatshields live. Finally I changed the decoupler node from bottom to top, which makes more sense in my opinion. It is also how the Deadly Reentry inflatable heatshield is set up.

Grab the file here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1003097/NASAaeroShield.cfg and stick it into GameData/OLDD/NASA, overwriting the original file.

Nice job, Madadam! I have done a few of these modifications on my copy of the mod as well! Thanks for sharing.

My only concern about this is the slower animation, but we'll see how it goes! :) Thanks for the effort.


Here's a few suggestions to add on your file:

Decoupling FX - This adds the sound and smoke effects when decoupling the shield.


// --- FX definitions ---

fx_gasBurst_white = 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, decouple
sound_vent_large = decouple


// --- FX definitions ---

fx_gasBurst_white = 0.0, 1.9, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, decouple
sound_vent_large = decouple

And I personally increased my ejectionForce value to 250. For me, it makes more sense. :)

As for the Animation speed, it got about 3x slower, which it's kinda bugging me. :P Yes, I'm silly, I know.

I've looked into the KSP Wiki, but it looks like we can't manually set the animation speed on the ModuleAnimateGeneric. Sad. :(

Edited by Kowgan
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  drtedastro said:
Why not add an empty waste tank for the needed reentry mass? No need to waste delta-v on Pb..

Just fill it as waste becomes available...

If non-kerbal or no waste products, H'mm, will have to think on that... LoL..

Starwaster I will try to come up with method and have you look it over to see what i did wrong...

Love this mod.. Great stuff and hope more keeps coming..


How about empty fuel/ox/water/other tanks. You can fill them with any left overs from previous stages.

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