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Anti-Aliasing Not Working at all in .25

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Hello all, I have a problem. Going off my thread title, I cannot get AA to work at all. I've tried 2x, 4x, 8x, all of which do not work. I have tried closing the game and restarting, deleting the settings config and redoing it, applying AA from in game and applying through the Launcher with no results.

I normally play modded, but this same bug occurs with any amount of mods, as well as stock (which I am running right now - no luck)

If anyone can give me insight I would appreciate it. I tried searching to no avail.

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Which OS and which video card are you using?

Did it ever work?

I have the same issue (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/94965), and I'm beginning to suspect it's a Unity issue.

Sorry, forgot to put that!

Windows 8.1, GTX 760 with 344.48 drivers.

And yeah, it worked just fine with .24.2. I think it's just the build.

I've also tried changing the AA option through GeForce Experience (in addition to ingame/launcher)

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