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The Rover Without a Good Name, Rover 1A

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So, after watching Das's stream today, I took inspritation from his rover, and started building a design quite like his. I took note of the mistakes he'd made, and I made sure they didn't exist in the first model. The final product is this:


I didn't really name it, it's kinda just Rover 1A... it has a top speed of around 20m/s, maybe 25, and turns pretty stable... unless you go past 15 M/S... then this happens:


Other than that, it works pretty well. Das proceeded to place a MK. 2 cargo bay around his, but I figured, "Who needs protection, when you look awesome riding!" (Yes, I know I've just opened myself up to many 'that's what she/he said' comments).


Edited by KSCraft1771
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Too bad that cockpit still has no IVA view ... it would give a good ride experience ( that is why I like to use the Cupola on rovers ... it is fun to drive from the inside )

Anyway, and as a fellow member of the academy ( I forgot to see it yesterday, though ... was playing ;) ), I can tell you those wheels are much more powerful than you need for a rover of that weight. Too much power is something you might not want in a rover, actually;) , because it can make the rover uncontrollable or to make backward flips during climbs. You actually would be be better with the RoveMax Model M1 ( the brown ones ). Less power, but far more controllable ... btw, wanting the cool look wheels is a major reason why people fail at make rovers, since those things are normally too powerful for rovers that use 1,25 parts ;)

As I'm in a place where I don't have the game in hand, I must also give you the customary warnings about rovers : steering only in the front wheels, traction and brakes only in the back ( I can't check if you have done so already , but even if you done so, the warning is never wasted ). But it is a good looking rover , anyway :P

Edited by r_rolo1
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