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Nuka Corp shuttle project ( and apparently other stuff :D )


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Nice link. Really agree with it.

So when can we get a download link?
I need this so much in my KSP life! :0.0:

Seeing from Helldiver's thread, not for a long time. The basic model's only the first step of many before you can use it ingame.

Yes will take some time. Always had the hardest time to add it in KSP. And when I get there. I will ask for help.

It will be worth the wait. This is looking fantastic. A new twist for a new shuttle. Keep going!.....

It is good watching it come to life. Thanks.

Amazing shuttle!!!

I can't wait the release date!!!

It will be finished one day :P:D and Thanks!


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Thanks Anariag,you share with us your work!

Many thanks

I feel like there should be a Decal on the other wing too. Just to be balanced.

added a temp decal on the other wing :)

Anariaq I would give you 1 million dollars for that mini shuttle you posted so many months ago. (I just loved the look too much but the smooth lines are just too hard for me.) I'd love ya forever.

Can not remember with one you are talking about, can you point me to the page with the shuttle on? will see to finish that one after this one is finished.

I saw the first post, and kind of lost interest in moved on. Randomly checked the thread again, looked at that last page, and...

Wow. I didn't know how much I needed that shuttle until today! Amazing surface details.

Many thanks. Yes reason I gave up on the last shuttle. Was that I could not make the surface detail that I have achieved with this one.




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added a temp decal on the other wing :)

Couldn't you use a plugin to make the other decal the current mission flag? I know BobCat uses one for his mod.

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Will make the decales smaller. And have an idea for a logo to my "company" that I will replace the blender logo with.

Have not touch the texture yet. But planning the rocket that will take it into space.



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Wait, so this isn't dead, it's alive and superawesome?


still not dead yet ;)

Why not a mount on top of the tank? That way you don't need to have a thrust-vectored shuttle.

could be easier I think, But remember the cargo is off center also, so even if I made it top mounted, It will have not only the lift from the wings to work against, but also the off center mass. Funny way to test it, make a rocket with wings attach to the top and fly it, then make a little correction and see it tumble. Really hard to fly strait. Specially with wings as large as those on this flying wing.

EDIT: Btw the smaller shuttle I will continue later will be a top mounted shuttle. It is small enough I think.



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Well anariq, why does this shuttle have to have a conventional shuttle launch system? The profile of the shuttle lends itself to a much more simple system. Your scales are quickly getting out of control, and I fear that the shuttle would be hell to balance if an asymmetric system is used.

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Uterly freaking beautifull work and mimicing the work done at the moment with lifting bodies, a massive welldone (or atleast when its released). May I offer a suggestion, as you have detailed your work with shuttles and pods would it not be prudent to round out the Nuka Corp line of products with rocket systems and station parts?

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