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Removal Of Ambient Light?


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I.E, The lighting system that was in NovaSilisko's Alternis Kerbol.

I have tried this mod.

Looks great turned all the way down, unfortunately it affects the ambient light at ground level also, making the KSC buildings look totally black.

In a nutshell:

Proper dark dark-sides.


But ambient light at ground level, to prevent this:


Edited by Beale
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No. Remove ALA (or set it to default values just remove it, they're incompatible) and install Planetshine. It (a) reduces ambient light when you're in the dark (B) adds reflected ambient light when you're over lit side of the planet. And it's configurable.

PS you will also probably need Texture Replacer with dark skybox (Oinker's, for example). Default skybox is kinda gray-ish.

Edited by J.Random
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No. Remove ALA (or set it to default values just remove it, they're incompatible) and install Planetshine. It (a) reduces ambient light when you're in the dark (B) adds reflected ambient light when you're over lit side of the planet. And it's configurable.

PS you will also probably need Texture Replacer with dark skybox (Oinker's, for example). Default skybox is kinda gray-ish.

Thanks for your help, it seems to be approaching something like what I want :)


But, still, if anyone knows of a more lightweight solution to this (Planetshine seems quite graphically intensive) it would be nice.

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This is what you want! AmbientLightShifter. I always have a hard time finding the thread so I suggest following it on KerbalStuff
For lightweight solution - what cvod said. Only it doesn't touch planet atmospheric ambience, only vacuum ambience. Driving a rover at Kerbin/Duna/Eve at night, you will still see everything without problem, I think.

Thanks guys, this is the perfect solution.

Works great on land and in space.


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Thanks for your help, it seems to be approaching something like what I want :)


But, still, if anyone knows of a more lightweight solution to this (Planetshine seems quite graphically intensive) it would be nice.

PlanetShine is not very graphically intensive on default settings, and you can tweak the performance settings in the menu.

Edited by Valerian
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