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Is there still a RP forum around?


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Also, rule 2.2j declares explicit RP "forbidden content," which is probably one of the reasons there aren't any RP threads around here any more. Sorry 'bout that, Mr. President. :(

2.2 Forbidden Content

j. Staging for scenarios of roleplay.

There is that Naval Battle Club in Forum Games, but it's not an explicit RP thread, just a place for people to show off/destroy space battleships.

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There's the dying one with the continuation of the old community (which you specifically requested that I never ever under any circumstances unban you from), and no others to my knowledge.

Roleplaying on this forum stopped being a thing when we started being toxic to the rest of the forum (which is why we moved, years ago), and I'm pretty sure the rule's in place to avoid that kind of thing from leaking back here. I don't think the whole linking to it part was ever really enforced, considering for a long time there was even a stickied thread in the fanworks section advertising it (and I think we did get permission from one of the mods here to advertise a little).

Also I think this is probably the wrong place for this thread, seeing as fanworks has no real relation to the roleplay board aside from being a semi-successor to it.

Edited by Charzy
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