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Any Way to Cause More Satellite Contracts?

Volt Cruelerz

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I play with RemoteTech which naturally has use for a lot of satellites up and about. Is there a way to make the game give you more contracts so you aren't just burning money to try to get good coverage? I've taken a look in the agency declarations (I'm not experienced at modding ksp, so I just went hunting for seemingly relevant files) and didn't come up with anything that seemed like it reliably could.

// Agency mentalities

// * Commercial [increased financial stakes, both for success and failure]

// * Competitive [competes with companies which we have a negative standing towards, auto-added if any standings set][not impl]

// * Conglomerate []

// * Startup []

// * Cooperative [not impl]

// * Ecomental [not impl]

// * Economic []

// * Hasty [-deadlines -expiry +rep]

// * Patient []

// * Industrial [not impl]

// * Perfectionist [not impl]

// * Pioneer [Makes agency more likely to offer a contract to something that's never been done before]

// * Record [Flags agency as a record-keeping organization, focuses on contracts about breaking existing records and doing new things]

// * Scientific [Agency is more likely to offer science data gathering contracts][not impl]

// * Stern [Higher Reputation Stakes for both success and failure]

// * EasyGoing [Lower Reputation Stakes for both success and failure]

// * Kerbalminded [not impl][sets up conditions against losing Kerbals]

// * Moral [not impl]

Nothing there seems terribly relevant to what I'm asking for... Perhaps there would have to be a new mentality called "Informatics" or something that increases likelihood of having you send up satellites.

Edited by Volt Cruelerz
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Well, I know nothing about modding, and very little about editing files, but Fine Print http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/88445-0-25-Fine-Print-v0-59-Resource-Harvest-Contracts-Configuration-%28October-7%29 includes satellite missions, and you can decline contracts in the contracts screen with no rep hit, so you could install Fine Print, and just keep declining contracts until a contract for a satellite appears?

Edited by CarlosMaximus
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I already use fine print.

If you just keep declining missions it will give you more? I figured it made you actually bother with your existing ones or something. Either way, that seems kind of like the current astronaut hiring system where it's just too easy...

Edited by Volt Cruelerz
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