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KSP hangs at "stat tracking" dialog window in Ubuntu virtual machine

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I know its not ideal, but I'm trying to run KSP in 64-bit Linux using VMWare.

After all the textures are loaded, the dialog window asking to track game progress comes up, the mouse freezes, and then the virtual machine hangs and dies. But, I don't think it is the dialog window that is doing it, because I went into the .cfg file and set "phone home", "track progress" and "send IP" all to FALSE.

Basically the planets in the box that say "loading" move for a moment, then freeze, then the VM dies.

It happens when trying to load both 32-bit and 64-bit (via Steam), and is completely unmodded.

I tried reverting from .25 to the last stable beta, and the same thing happens.

Edited by Malcolm_Tucker
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I never managed to get KSP to run in a VM, the problem was the graphics drivers the VM's use just isn't up to the job, for example the driver in VirtualBox only supports up to DirectX7.

Ah Ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe that is my problem... Well, maybe one of my problems.....

Well fizzle ....e's....

Any other grand idea's batman.


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For virtual box, I would definately recommend using OpenGL to play games. It's OpenGL capabilities are far higher than it's Direct3D capabilities. However, you will still run into significant bottlenecks, including limits on the amount of video memory you can allocate and latencies when transferring things to and from video memory. This is not to the fact that the virtual video driver prevents the proper optimization of shaders for your bare-metal hardware.

If you have two video cards you can set up a dedicated video card for your virtual box machine. This is faster, but difficult to set up. It still will have some latencies, but your guest OS will have direct access to the video card.

As of VM-Ware, I recommend against using VM-Ware for gaming at all. (I generally recommend against using VMWare for anything but servers.)

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IME, if you do get this to run perfomance issues in a VM will make it unplayable.

I know you know it's not ideal, but do you realise just *how* not-ideal this is going to be? You'll be very lucky to get 5fps...

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