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asap mun mission

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being a noob, I thought, "how should I get to the mun asap?" this challenge was born.

the scoring is based on the number of days.

{[-1*(number of days)+500]*(number of science points)+#of tech teirs unlocked}/(slider value from a new .25 game/10)=total score

this is only in science mode with any slider set value(for science gains in start a new game)

higher the score, the better

no cheats,

mechjeb and autopilot allowed

other mods allowed:FAR,kwrocketry,infernal roboticks

other mods that help but are not op are ok(if not sure than pm me)

you have to Land AND return, only one launch












Edited by jake9039
clarifying rules and adding scoreboard
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Ok, re-read your post.

Couple of questions.

Lines of tech unlocked being the vertical lines i take it? (because there are lines attaching each tech to the next tier)

Whats the "slider value"

Is lower score better?

Also, you'll need a leader board.

Edited by zhollett
re-re-reading and questions.
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While it is possible to land and return using tier zero parts, a better challenge would be requiring specific parts on your lander, such as a landing can, Ox Stat panels, Too Hot thermometer, Gravity meter. No parts mods allowed. Then, it becomes a challenge in Career just how quickly you can unlock the required tech to fulfill the mission. Set up scoring for cost of lander along with number of hours in the Career clock required to complete the landing and safe return.

You could do categories for Science only, easy, normal, hard, and custom with specific value settings.

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