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Just want to give a big howdy to all fellow Kerbanauts. Just launched my first three rockets in the past 24 hours, only managed to get one up into space so far with a safe landing. The others were predictably Kerbal.

I look forward to sharing many tales and ideas here.

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Just want to give a big howdy to all fellow Kerbanauts. Just launched my first three rockets in the past 24 hours, only managed to get one up into space so far with a safe landing. The others were predictably Kerbal.

I look forward to sharing many tales and ideas here.

For Science, Godspeed solider.

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Found out about the KSP via a KSP-Related SYRSAMusic video, and been playing a bit.

In the name of launching things a few steps away from being WMDs into space for the pursuit of.... Something, I, Cravitus, introduce myself.

Launched a bunch of rockets in the past few hours.

SOMEHOW, none hit the Mun, yet 3 spun around the sun at a farther distance than Kerbin was to the sun.

A thing about me is... I\'m horrible at landing safely. My specialty, however, is building rockets that usually end up nearly killing my crew, who somehow survive every crash... They are like roaches, undying.

Now, let us all fly into space for... that something! Was it donuts... Darn, WHAT WAS IT.....

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Found out about the KSP via a KSP-Related SYRSAMusic video, and been playing a bit.

In the name of launching things a few steps away from being WMDs into space for the pursuit of.... Something, I, Cravitus, introduce myself.

Launched a bunch of rockets in the past few hours.

SOMEHOW, none hit the Mun, yet 3 spun around the sun at a farther distance than Kerbin was to the sun.

A thing about me is... I\'m horrible at landing safely. My specialty, however, is building rockets that usually end up nearly killing my crew, who somehow survive every crash... They are like roaches, undying.

Now, let us all fly into space for... that something! Was it donuts... Darn, WHAT WAS IT.....

Dat SYRSA video. Was is the tremendous moon failure or the Main Theme soundtrack suggestion?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Guys, I\'ve been here for a while, but I haven\'t been too active in the forums and the development of KSP until recently (a few weeks), I have been in Squad from before that, though, working on different stuff.

My name is actually Mario ;) but I\'ll keep the username as Mauro for now.

I\'ll be hanging around here a lot more from now on.


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Hey everybody, I just discovered this game 3 days ago, and I love it!

I\'m a student of aerospace engineering in Stuttgart, Germany, and so I\'m already into rocket science and this game made it even worse :P

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Hi, i found this game a few days ago on youtube, so i wanted to try, so heres my question, if i download the game for free, i will get all the updates for free, or i will have to buy the game for that?

You will have to buy the game for that.

Once you payed $10.00 you will be given i store log in user name and password once you put that in you will be able to download 0.14, 0.15, etc

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello! I have been playing KSP for about a month, and I wish to know if it is worth buying? I think it is but I want a second opinion..... :-\

Buy it now for ten dollars, or buy it later for more.

Either way the price is quite a steal! This includes further updates aswell.

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Thank you for the sleepless nights, jaw clinshing antisipation and all-round awesomeness.

i\'m just glad that there isn\'t a iPad version of this game otherwise i would withdraw from existence. Yes it that good, in the beginning i just wanted to see the little guys go up and up into orbit and now. . . . i can\'t get enough space stations, lunar missions and yes i did try and land on the sun. . . . . .

Keep it up. . . .

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Thank you for the sleepless nights, jaw clinshing antisipation and all-round awesomeness.

i\'m just glad that there isn\'t a iPad version of this game otherwise i would withdraw from existence. Yes it that good, in the beginning i just wanted to see the little guys go up and up into orbit and now. . . . i can\'t get enough space stations, lunar missions and yes i did try and land on the sun. . . . . .

Keep it up. . . .

Learning about blackholes.... The hard way .


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hello from slovakia!

what more to say? ah... I know

I love this game so much, that with my friend, we decided to create a czech&slovak KSP fansite (more in this thread)

what more to say? I´d like to persuade someone to help us with technical part of translating the game here in forums and... oh, I know... I still have my game vanilla :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi fellow Kerbal kille...Kerbalnauts.

I was introduced to Kerbal by some friends, who I believe are also on this forum, last year and after a brief 'sabbatical' as it where, I am back and causing chaos.

My friends (bar 1) are the mathematical geeky guys who work out exactly when and where to apply the right amount of thrust, and also the right parts to build a perfect rocket, whereas I\'m the guy who just slapps a load of solid\'s to a rocket and try the most stupid designs ever. Might I add I\'ve only ever managed to orbit Kerbin once and land, oh and the sun a couple of times.

I am currently working on different versions of my almost successful 'Nerf' style rocket, aptly named because it looks like a nerf ball. It experiments by using the bigger fuel tanks at the top, with the command pod (the Unmanned RC controlled one) at the bottom, or near bottom of the rocket, mainly just about the engine. Therefore I use the lovely yellow sewage pipes, definitely a brilliant add-on. If I have the time, or am confident enough it\'ll actually manage at least 1 orbit I may share it on here.



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