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Pre-launch animations

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I don't think that this has been suggested before but here goes. After one hits the launch button in the VAB or on the launch pad pre launch screen there should be a short animation of the VAB doors opening and the rocket slowly coming out on a crawler as it travels to the launch pad, with Kerbals swarming around it. When the rocket gets to the pad the crew (if manned) would climb up a launch tower (which would be removed before launch to avoid everything that happened with the old one) and into the capsule. During the animation epic music would be playing, giving the player a sense of excitement. The same sort of animation would happen when one launches a plane from the SPH, a video of the plane being towed to the starting position, and possibly with Kerbals fueling it. The crew would then climb up into the cockpit, and the player would take control. This whole animation would be skippable, by hitting the space bar or a skip button, and there would be an option to disable it all together. I realize this wouldn't be game making or anything but it would be a cool way for the player to behold there creations to the sound of epic music and the looks of dumbfounded Kerbals.

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Not to mention how tricky it will be to do a fitting conection to the rocket. moded parts (fairings?), part cliping or simply an angled cockpit will make the implementation of this srsly difficult.

And before I forget, do you rly want to watch this on every launch. Sure it would be nice for the first couple of times, but it might get pretty lame after that... most people will turn it off and all the hard work would not be appreciated

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this has been suggested before, in ermm speculation about a crawler way usage by guess who....

It wouldn't be too hard, have a camera in the vab scene(game engine camera, not in game object) that screen the rocket and ignores the rest of the scene..

Then you paste that image onto some preexisting images in the loading screen and all you have to do is move it along... say from left to right on a perfect side view.. the amount the rocket is close to launch pad shows progress to scene loading...

tl;dr not that hard, screenshot the rocket's side and paste that screen with some other images into the loading screen, make them move with load progress.

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