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Mod for proper day/night skybox?


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Is there a mod that gets the handling of the skybox right?

Here an example:

If you have a launch at daytime, the sky is blue - everything fine.

You ascend through the atmosphere and the starry skybox replaces the blue.

This shouldn't happen - as during sunshine in orbit (or very high up in the atmosphere) the sky seems to be dark, because the sun is outshining every star (not to mention distant galaxies!)

So I'm questioning, if there is a mod, that handles the transition at daytime launches well.

On the other hand, if it does, it should do another transition if you are in orbit and the sun sets behind some planet.

The black skybox has to be replaced by the starry skybox, as you would be able to see the stars now.

Maybe it is the same process, as if you are grounded at kerbin.

If you have sunset, the blue sky is replaced by the starry skybox already.


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http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/69907-0-24-Distant-Object-Enhancement-1-3-1-Planets-satellites-in-the-night-sky!-%287-29%29 does exactly what you want, as well as allowing you to render objects that are very far away like other spacecraft or planets. Though I'm not sure what you meant by the transition at daytime.
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